INFN is promoting a discussion forum on the future of nuclear physics research in Italy with particular emphasis on INFN laboratories that are preparing important upgrades for the accelerators complexes.
Specific working groups are discussing ideas and topics to be developed in the mid term future with the goal of defining experiments at the upgraded facilities or promoting ad-hoc developments for new setups.
Worldwide researchers interested in joining the working groups are welcome to register and participate to the ongoing discussions as active members of the community.
The working groups have reported their activities in papers available on EPJ Plus in Open Access
Focus Point on Middle Term Plan of Italian Laboratories in Nuclear Physics:

Nuclear Physics Mid Term Plan in Italy

Those are the four sessions of the workshop, one for each national laboratory.
4 - 5 April 2022
Scientific Program and Conveners
- Heavy Ion Collision – EOS (E. De Filippo)
- Clustering (A. Di Pietro)
- Fission Dynamics (E. Vardaci)
- Nuclear Matrix Elements towards 0νββ – Theoretical model developments (A. Gargano)
- Selective Study of nuclear structure response with high intensity beams and advanced spectrometry (F. Cappuzzello)
- Collective modes in nuclei with stable and unstable beams (G. Cardella)
- Nuclear and Atomic Inputs for quiescent Stellar Evolution (A. Pidatella)
- The «explosive» universe: BBN and explosive nucleosynthesis (G.G. Rapisarda)
- s and r process (M.L. Sergi)
- Medical Applications (G. Petringa)
- Laser-Matter Interaction (G. A. P. Cirrone)
- Plasma traps (D. Mascali)
11 - 12 April 2022
Scientific Program and Conveners
- Nucleosynthesis up to the iron peak (A. Caciolli)
- Nucleosynthesis of trans-iron elements (T. Kurtukian Nieto)
- Nuclear astrophysics theory (S. Cristallo)
- Shell evolution (A. Gottardo)
- Light to medium-mass exotic nuclei (S. Bottoni)
- N~Z nuclei and isospin symmetry (S.M. Lenzi)
- Deformation and collective states (F. C. Crespi)
- Physics overview: alpha clustering, dynamics and structure, thermodynamics, equation of state, collective motions (F. Gulminelli & D. Dell’Aquila)
- Mechanisms/Tools: fusion-evaporation and pre-equilibrium emission (K. Mazurek & M. Cicerchia)
- Mechanisms/Tools: transfer, particle spectroscopy (L. Gasques & F. Galtarossa)
- Mechanisms/Tools: fission and sub-barrier fusion (M. Caamano-Fresco & I. Zanon
- Nuclear cross sections measurements and modelling for direct radionuclide production and neutron beam lines at SPES (L. Mou)
- ISOL and laser applications at the SPES facility (M. Ballan)
- Development, characterization and modifications of materials for applied nuclear physics (M. Campostrini)
11 October 2022
Scientific Program and Conveners
- Pauli Exclusion Principle violation experimental studies (K. Piscicchia)
- Quantum gravity, CPT and Lorentz symmetries and the Pauli Exclusion Principle violation (A. Marciano)
- Quantum Collapse models and their experimental tests (F. Napolitano)
- Nuclear process of interest in stellar nucleosynthesis (O. Straniero)
- Deep underground direct measurements (F. Cavanna)
- Measurements with recoil separators (R. Buompane)
- Mass spectrometry (F. Marzaioli)
- Diagnostics and modification of materials with ion beams (A. D’Onofrio)
1 - 2 December 2022
Scientific Program and Conveners
- Nuclear physics at DAFNE
- Possibilities for nuclear physics with EuPRAXIA
Pulse Shape Discrimination, Silicon Carbide detectors, Active Targets
- Heavy ion detection
Organic scintillators for neutron detection
Detectors for neutron beams and applications
- Innovative neutron detectors
- Gamma-ray detectors
- X-ray detectors
- Detectors for medical applications
Innovative targets for nuclear physics experiments
- Innovative targets for new production facilities
- New facilities at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
New facilities at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
Workshop Poster
Session Posters
Organizing Committee
Giovanna Benzoni
Diego Bettoni
Fabio Bossi
Maria Colonna
Antonino Di Leva
Enrico Fioretto
Alba Formicola
Lorenzo Fortunato
Santo Gammino
Fabiana Gramegna
Carlo Gustavino
Matthias Junker
Marco La Cognata
Ivano Lombardo
Rosario Nania
Ezio Previtali
Stefano Romano
Paolo Russotto
Francesca Soramel
Jose Javier Valiente-Dobón
Scientific Secretaries
Eugenia Naselli
Alessandro Oliva
Julgen Pellumaj
Marta Polettini