The strongly correlated nuclear system




 List of the most relevant publications of each Research Unit related to the project:
INFN Section Lecce
1. L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky, M. Viviani, and L.E. Marcucci, 
   “Short-range three-nucleon interaction from A=3 data and its hierarchical structure”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 99, 054003 (2019)
2. R. Schiavilla et al., 
   “Local chiral interactions and magnetic structure of few-nucleon systems”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 99, 034005 (2019)
3. A. Kievsky, M. Viviani, D. Logoteta, I. Bombaci and L. Girlanda, 
  “Correlations imposed by the unitary limit between few-nucleon systems, nuclear matter,
   and neutron stars”, 
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 072701 (2018)
4. A. Baroni et al., 
   “Local chiral interactions, the tritium Gamow-Teller matrix element, and the three-nucleon 
    contact term”, 
    Phys. Rev. C 98, 044003 (2018)
5. A. Kievsky, M. Viviani, M. Gattobogio and L. Girlanda, 
  “Implications of Efimov physics for the description of three and four nucleons in chiral 
   effective field theory”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 95, 024001 (2017)
INFN Section Padova
1. S. Karataglidis, K. Amos, P.R. Fraser, L. Canton, 
   “A New Development at the Intersection of Nuclear Structure and Reaction Theory”, 
   Springer Nature (2019), Switzerland, I78SBN 9-3-030-21070-0
2. P.R. Fraser, K. Amos, L. Canton, S. Karataglidis, D. van der Knijff, J.P. Svenne,
   “Mass-15 and predicting narrow states beyond the proton drip lines”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 100, 024609 (2019)
3. J.P. Svenne, L. Canton, K. Amos, P.R. Fraser, S. Karataglidis, G. Pisent, D. van der
   “Very low energy nucleon-16O coupled-channel scattering: Results with a phenomenological 
    vibrational model”, 
    Phys. Rev. C 95, 034305 (2017)
4. G. Pupillo et al., “Production of 47Sc with natural vanadium targets: results of the
   PASTA project”, 
   J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 322, 1711 (2019).
5. G. Pupillo et al., 
  “New results on the natV(p,x) 43Sc cross section: Analysis of the discrepancy with previous data”, 
   Nucl. Inst. Methods Phys. Res. B 464, 32 (2020)
INFN Section Pavia
1. Matteo Vorabbi, Michael Gennari, Paolo Finelli, Carlotta Giusti, Petr Navrátil, 
  “Elastic Antiproton-Nucleus Scattering from Chiral Forces”, 
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 162501 (2020)
2. H. Dai et al., 
   “First Measurement of the Ar(e,e'X) Cross Section at Jefferson Lab”,
   Phys. Rev. C 99, 064602 (2019)
3. Matteo Vorabbi, Paolo Finelli, Carlotta Giusti, 
   “Theoretical Optical Potential Derived fron Nucleon-Nucleon Chiral Potentials” , 
   Phys. Rev. C 93, 034619 (2016)
4. M.V. Ivanov, J.R. Vignote, R. Alvarez-Rodriguez, A. Meucci, C. Giusti, J.M. Udias,
   “Global Relativistic Folding Optical Potential and the Relativistic Green's Function
    Phys. Rev. C 94, 014608 (2016)
5. A.M. Ankowski et al., 
  “Estimate of the Theoretical Uncertainty of the Cross Sections for Nucleon Knockout in 
   Neutral-Current Neutrino-Oxygen Interactions”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 92, 025501 (2015)
INFN Section Pisa
1. A. Gnech and M. Viviani, 
   “Time-reversal violation in light nuclei”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 101, 024004 (2020)
2. L.E. Marcucci et al., 
   “The Hyperspherical Harmonics method: a tool for testing and improving the nuclear 
    interaction models”, 
    Front. Phys. 8:69 (2020)
3. M. Gattobigio, A. Kievsky, and M. Viviani, 
  “Embedding nuclear physics inside the unitary-limit window”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 100, 034004 (2019)
4. M. Piarulli et al., 
   “Light-Nuclei Spectra from Chiral Dynamics”, 
   Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 052503 (2018)
5. M. Viviani, A. Deltuva, R. Lazauskas, A.C. Fonseca, A. Kievsky, and L.E. Marcucci,
   “Benchmark calculation of p-3H and n-3He scattering”, 
    Phys. Rev. C 95, 034003 (2017)
INFN Section Torino
1. G.D. Megias et al., 
   “Charged-current neutrino-nucleus reactions within the super scaling meson-exchange 
    current approach”, 
    Phys.Rev. D 94, 093004 (2016)
2. I. Ruiz Simo et al., 
   “Emission of neutron-proton and proton-proton pairs in neutrino scattering”, 
   Phys. Lett. B 762, 124-130 (2016)
3. I. Ruiz Simo et al., 
   “Relativistic model of 2p-2h meson exchange currents in (anti)neutrino scattering”, 
   J.Phys. G 44, 065105 (2017)
4. NuSTEC Collaboration, L. Alvarez-Ruso et al., 
   “NuSTEC White Paper: Status and challenges of neutrino-nucleus scattering”, 
   Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 100, 1-68 (2018)
5. G.D. Megias et al., 
   “New evaluation of the axial nucleon form factor from electronand neutrino-scattering 
    data and impact on neutrino-nucleus cross sections”, 
    Phys.Rev. C 101, 025501 (2020)
INFN Section Trento
1. G. Hagen et al., 
   “Charge, neutron and weak size of the atomic nucleus”, 
   Nature Physics 12, 186 (2016)
2. F. Ferrari-Ruffino et al., 
   “Benchmark results for the few-body hypernuclei”, 
   Few-Body Systems 58, 113 (2017)
3. N. Rocco, W. Leidemann, A. Lovato, G. Orlandini, 
   “Relativistic effects in ab initio electron-nucleus scattering”, 
   Phys. Rev. C 97, 055501 (2018)
4. V.D. Efros, W. Leidemann, V. Yu. Shalamova, 
   “On calculating response functions via their Lorentz Integral transform”, 
    Few-Body Systems 60:35 (2019)
5. E. Filandri, P. Andreatta, C.A. Manzata, C. Ji, W. Leidemann, G. Orlandini, 
  “Be-9 in cluster effective field theory”, 
   SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 034 (2020)


Map of INFN facilities

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September, 26-27 2024

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