Geometry and Symmetry in Quantum Field Theory







Postdoctoral position


The GEOSYM_QFT group in Florence, invites applications for an INFN postdoctoral position starting in fall 2024, on the topic of Structural aspects of quantum field theory. The appointment will last two years. 
Eligible candidates should be non-Italian citizens, or Italian citizens who, at the submission deadline, hold a position in a foreign institution and have been continuously abroad for at least three years. They must have received their PhD (or an equivalent qualification) on or after November 10, 2015; this limit can be extended in some specific cases. Candidates who are preparing their doctoral thesis are eligible to apply, however they must have obtained their PhD before taking up the appointment. 
The annual gross salary is approximately € 31,000. An additional mobility allowance of € 5,000 per year will be paid annually to eligible (non-local) candidates. 
Applications should be submitted not later than November 10, 2023 (11:59 am CET) mandatorily through the website
                [search for call (“bando”) n. 25864]. 
The official call, containing the complete information and requirements, can be found at the same page.
Contact: Francesco Bonechi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. - web page
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April 3-4, 2025

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