Quantum Systems: entanglement, simulations, information




Postdoc position within the project

PACE-IN - Photon-Atom Cooperative Effects at Interfaces

Starting date: as soon as possible 

Duration: 18 months 

Location: University of Bari, Italy

Deadline for application: 9 April 2022




We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc to be involved in the project PACE-IN - Photon-Atom Cooperative Effects at Interfaces, funded through QuantERA, the European cofund programme in Quantum Technologies: https://quantera.eu/pace-in


The successful candidate will work in the research group of Prof. Paolo Facchi and Prof. Saverio Pascazio at the Physics Department of the University of Bari, Italy.


The postdoctoral position is for 12 months (renewable). It comes with no teaching duties, and with funds for travelling. The net monthly salary is 2000 euros.


Applicants must hold a Master degree in Physics. Applications from candidates with a background in quantum optics, mathematical physics, open quantum systems, quantum control, atomic and molecular systems are particularly welcome. 


The position is expected to start in June/July 2022.


Further information about the position and instructions for applications can be found at the website:


(A.R. 02.98 FIS/02 FIS/03 D.R. n. 851 04/03/2022)


The deadline for application is April 9, 2022.


For any information please contact: 

Paolo Facchi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.



Postdoc position within the project

QuantHEP - Quantum Computing Solutions for High-Energy Physics

Starting date: as soon as possible 

Duration: 18 months 

Location: University of Bari, Italy

Deadline for application: 15 November 2021




We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc to be involved in the project QuantHEP - Quantum Computing Solutions for High-Energy Physics, funded through QuantERA, the European cofund programme in Quantum Technologies: https://quanthep.eu


The successful candidate will work in the research group of Prof. Paolo Facchi at the Physics Department of the University of Bari, Italy, and in strict collaboration with Prof. Simone Montangero at the University of Padova and with Prof. Elisa Ercolessi at the University of Bologna. 


The postdoctoral position is for 18 months. It comes with no teaching duties, and with funds for travelling. The net monthly salary is 2000 euros.


Applicants must hold a Master degree in Physics. Applications from candidates with a background in many-body quantum systems, lattice gauge field theories, quantum simulations, tensor network methods are particularly welcome. 


The position is expected to start in December 2021/January 2022.


Further information about the position and instructions for applications can be found at the website:


(A.R. 02.97 FIS/02 D.R. n. 3352 12/10/2021)


The deadline for application is November 15, 2021.


For any information please contact: 

Paolo Facchi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.




Postdoc position within

INFN Research Network “QUANTUM”

Unit of Bologna


Title of the Project:

Quantum Simulation and Computation for Fundamental Interactions


Call at webpage:


Bando n. 23590


Research Group


STAFF – Elisa Ercolessi, Pierbiagio Pieri, Cristian Degli Esposti Boschi

Post-Doc: Davide Vodola, Claudio Sanavio

PhD: Sunny Pradhan, Simone Tibaldi, Federico Dell’Anna


Topics of Interest


Quantum Many Body Theory

Quantum Simulations 

Quantum Computing


Current Research Lines


Quantum phase transitions of matter in low dimensions

Critical phenomena, integrability and entanglement

Quantum simulations of field theories

Quantum computation and quantum machine learning

Quantum Physics: teaching and social impact



G. Magnifico; M. Dalmonte; P. Facchi; S, Pascazio; F.V. Pepe; E.Ercolessi; Real Time Dynamics and Confinement in the Zn Schwinger-Weyl lattice model for 1+1 QED, «QUANTUM», 2020, 4, pp. 1 - 21 

G. Ghelli; G. Magnifico; C. Degli Esposti Boschi; E. Ercolessi, Topological phases in two-legged Heisenberg ladders with alternating interactions, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2020, 101, pp. 085124-1 - 085124-10 

T. Botzung; D. Vodola; P. Naldesi; M. Müller; E. Ercolessi; G. PupilloAlgebraic localization from power-law couplings in disordered quantum wires, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2019, 100, pp. 155136-1 - 155136-11 

G. Magnifico; D. Vodola; E. Ercolessi; S.P. Kumar; M. Müller; A. Bermudez; Symmetry-protected topological phases in lattice gauge theories: Topological QED2, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2019, 99, pp. 1 - 12 

G. Magnifico; D. Vodola; E. Ercolessi; S.P. Kumar; M. Muller; A. Bermudez; ZN gauge theories coupled to topological fermions: QED2 with a quantum mechanical theta-angle, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2019, 100, pp. 115152-1 - 115152-1 

M. Pini; P.  Pieri; R. Grimm; G. Calvanese Strinati; Beyond-mean-field description of a trapped unitary Fermi gas with mass and population imbalance, «PHYSICAL REVIEW A», 2021, 103, pp. 023314-1 - 023314-10 

H. Tajima; P. Pieri; A. Perali Hidden Pseudogap and Excitation Spectra in a Strongly Coupled Two-Band Superfluid/Superconductor, «CONDENSED MATTER», 2021, 6, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]

H. TajimaY. Yerin; P. Pieri; A. Perali; Mechanisms of screening or enhancing the pseudogap throughout the two-band Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer to Bose-Einstein condensate crossover, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2020, 102, pp. 220504-1 - 220504-7 

M. Pini, P. Pieri, M. Jaeger, J. Hecker Denschlag, G. Calvanese Strinati; Pair correlations in the normal phase of an attractive Fermi gas, «NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS», 2020, 22, pp. 1 - 21

S. Pilati; E. M. Inack; P. Pieri; Self-learning projective quantum Monte Carlo simulations guided by restricted Boltzmann machines, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. E», 2019, 100, pp. 1 - 12 

S. Pilati; P. Pieri; Supervised machine learning of ultracold atoms with speckle disorder, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, pp. 1 - 12 


Atomtronics@Benasque | 2022, May 01 -- May 13
Venue: The Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Following the editions in 2015, 2017, 2019 and the satellite conference 
Atomtronics@AbuDhabi2021 the goal of the workshop is to follow up visions and opportunities in Atomtronics: ultracold atom moving in matter wave circuits for both fundamental studies in quantum science and technological applications.
Applications to a broad range of quantum technologies, from quantum sensing with atom interferometry to future quantum simulation and quantum computation architectures will be discussed.
More details and registration info: http://benasque.org/2022atomtronics/
Confirmed Invited speakers:
- Verònica Ahufinger (Spain)
- Dana Anderson (USA)
- Natan Andrei (USA)
- Philippe Bouyer (France)
- Donatella Cassettari (UK) ‪
- Frédéric Chevy (France)
- Cheng Chin (USA)
- Roberta Citro (Italy)
- Charles Clark (USA)
- Rainer Dumke (Singapore)
- Mark Edwards (USA)
- Ron Folman (Israel)
- Barry Garraway (UK)
- Tobias Haug (UK)
- Kristian Helmerson (Australia) (*)
- Murray Holland (USA)
- Selim Jochim (Germany) (*)
- Katarzyna Krzyżanowska (USA)
- Ludwig Mathey (Germany)
- Oliver Morsch (Italy)
- Tyler Neely (Australia)
- Travis Nicholson (Singapore)
- Maxim Olshanii (USA)
- Hélène Perrin (France)
- Nick Proukakis (UK)
- Andrea Richaud (Italy)
- Giacomo Roati (Italy)
- Cass Sackett (USA)
- Jörg Schmiedmayer (Austria)
- Sandro Stringari (Italy)
- Reinhold Walser (Germany)
- David Wilkowski (Singapore)
- Kevin Wright (USA)
- Alexander Yakimenko (Ukraine)
L. Amico (QRC-TII & CQT-NUS)
G. Birkl (Technishe U. Darmstadt)
M. Boshier (Los Alamos)
L.-C. Kwek (CQT-NUS)
A. Minguzzi (U. Grenoble-Alpes & CNRS Grenoble)
C. Miniatura (CNRS-MajuLab & CQT-NUS)
J. Polo (QRC-TII)



XXIII Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems

The on-line Course is organized by the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies "E.R. Caianiello" (IIASS), http://www.iiassvietri.it/in collaboration with the Department of Physics, University of Salerno (https://www.df.unisa.it/) from the 4th to the 9th of October 2021.

The Training Course is aimed at graduate students and PostDoc researchers, and offers the fascinating possibility to meet selected experts belonging to different areas in Condensed Matter Physics and Optical Physics.

This year the focus will be on:
Trends and Platforms for Quantum Technologies

The Second Quantum Revolution is unfolding now, exploiting the enormous advancements in our ability to detect and manipulate single quantum objects and triggering the development of the different Quantum Technologies on different platforms ranging from solid state platforms to atomic, molecular and optical platforms. New perspectives and opportunities are opening for researchers in this field. The training course Platforms for Quantum Technologies issued to PhD and postdoc students in Physics is intended to give an introduction to the different platforms for quantum technologies from different perspectives from the fabrication, to the modelization and numerical implementation of quantum circuits (Josephson junctions qubits etc) and cold atoms platforms for Quantum Technologies. Some basics of quantum communication processes and introduction to quantum information theory will also be given.

The Training Course is not intended as a series of formal lectures where no real contact develops between lecturers and audience. The idea is to let meet virtually senior and young researchers in a close and informal atmosphere.
The course lasts one week and sees the participation of five senior lecturers. In the morning, each senior researcher will deliver a lecture. The afternoon sessions are devoted to training and emphasis will be on introducing young researchers to some specific problems and guiding them through their solution. The participants will be encouraged to present their own activity. The aim is to help young researchers to become more familiar with different approaches and start new collaborations. A limited number of participants will have the opportunity to deliver a seminar.

The Course is open to a limited number of young (aged under 40) researchers. The registration fee is €150.00 and includes all the didactics material, lectures slides and school proceedings.

In the 2021 edition, young researchers will benefit from training in scientific techniques and various methodologies under the guidance of highly qualified senior lecturers:

Prof. Ramon Aguado, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, Spain

Prof. Maciej Lewenstein, ICFO, Institute for Photonic Science, Barcellona, Spain

Prof. Michael Stern, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Prof. Francesco Tafuri, Department of Physics, University of Naples, Italy

Prof. Felix von Oppen, Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

     A topic seminar will be held by Prof. Emanuele Dalla Torre, Bar-Ilan University and Righetti  Computing.


The Director of the Course: Prof. Ferdinando Mancini

The Coordinator of the Course: Prof. Roberta Citro

APPLICATION FORM (to be submitted no later than September 20, 2021): 

Application form is available at: http://www.iiassvietri.it/it/registration-xxiiitc/application-form-xxiiitc.html 

REGISTRATION FEE: The registration fee of 150€ must be settled no later than September 30,



For further scientific information please contact:

Prof. Roberta Citro
Dipartimento di Fisica "E.R. Caianiello" Università degli Studi di Salerno
E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Web page: http://docenti.unisa.it/roberta.citro

For information regarding the registration fees send an e-mail to:

Dr. Tina Nappi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Previous events:




Atomtronics@TIIAbuDhabi |  2021, May 31 -- June 11
In continuation with the Atomtronics@Benasque meetings, the goal of Atomtronics@TIIAbuDhabi2021  is to follow up recent achievements in cold atoms quantum technology with a particular focus on atomtronics. Applicative, experimental and theoretical aspects of matter-wave  circuits   will be covered, both to extend the scope of the existing atom-based quantum simulators and devices and to project platforms for new routes in quantum technology.
Due to the covid outbreak, the meeting will take place online, coordinated by the Quantum Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute, AbuDhabi, with a collaboration of the COST action AtomQT.
The talks will be scheduled May 31st-June 4th  and June 7th-11th, 4:30-7:30pm GST, 8:30-11:30pm SGT, 7-9am MST, 2:30-5:30pm CET. 
Because of the  constraints imposed by the online format, we cannot accept  contributing talks. 
We encourage the  interested  participants to apply for a poster breakout room.
Confirmed Speakers
Verònica Ahufinger (Spain)
Dana Anderson (USA)
Natan Andrei (USA)
Michael Berry (UK)
Philippe Bouyer (France)
Jean-Philippe Brantut (Switzerland)
Gretchen Campbell (USA)
Charles Clark (USA)
Jean Dalibard (France)
Eugene Demler (USA)
Romain Dubessy (France)
Rainer Dumke (Singapore)
Mark Edwards (USA)
Tilman Esslinger (Switzerland)
Alexander Fetter (USA)
Ron Folman (Israel)
Barry Garraway (UK)
James Grieve (UAE)
Tobias Haug (UK)
Joszef Fortagh (Germany)
Wolf von Klitzing (Greece)
Katarzyna Krzyzanowska (USA)
Jose Ignacio Latorre (UAE)
Anthony James Leggett (USA)
Huanqian Loh (Singapore)
Oliver Morsch (Italy)
Maxim Olshanii (USA)
William Phillips (USA)
Piero Naldesi (Austria)
Juan Polo (UAE)
Rene Reimann (UAE)
Giacomo Roati (Italy)
Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop (Australia)
Jorg Schmiedmayer (Austria)
Sandro Stringari (Italy)
Peter Zoller (Austria)
L. Amico (QRC-TII & CQT-NUS)
G. Birkl (Technishe U. Darmstadt)
M. Boshier (Los Alamos)
L.-C. Kwek (CQT-NUS)
A. Minguzzi (U. Grenoble-Alpes & CNRS Grenoble)
C. Miniatura (CNRS-MajuLab & CQT-NUS)

More details and registration infos: https://qrcseminar.tii.ae/




Map of INFN facilities

Next meeting

April 3-4, 2025

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