NEUtron star MATTer




INFN Sezione di Catania
  1. Convergence of the Hole-Line Expansion with Modern Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials  J.J. Lu, Z.H. Li, C.Y. Chen, M. Baldo, H.-J. Schulze. Phys. Rev. C 96, 044309 (2017).
  2. Hyperons: The Strange Ingredients of the Nuclear Equation of State. I. Vidaña. Proc. R. Soc. A 474: 20180145 (2018).
  3. Nuclear Equation of State for Compact Stars and Supernovae. G.F. Burgio, A. Fantina. The Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars (Astrophysics and Space Science Library Book 457), Springer (2018).
  4. Neutron Star Cooling with Microscopic Equations of State. J.B. Wei, G.F. Burgio, H.-J. Schulze. MNRAS 484, 5162 (2019).
  5. On the Change of Old Neutron Star Masses with Galactocentric Distance. A. Del Popolo, M. Deliyergiyev, M. Le Delliou, L. Tolos, G.F. Burgio. Physics of the Dark Universe 28, 100484 (2020).


INFN Sezione di Ferrara
  1. The scenario of two families of compact stars. A. Drago, G. Pagliara, A. Lavagno, D. Pigato. Eur.Phys.J.A 52 (2016) 2, 40 and 41.
  2. Convective Excitation of Inertial Modes in Binary Neutron Star Mergers. R. De Pietri, A. Feo, J.A. Font, F. Loeffler, F. Maione, M. Pasquali, N. Stergioulas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 221101
  3. Merger of two neutron stars: predictions from the two-families scenario. A. Drago, G. Pagliara. Astrophys.J.Lett. 852 (2018) 2, L32.
  4. Are Small Radii of Compact Stars Ruled out by GW170817/AT2017gfo? F. Burgio, A. Drago, G. Pagliara, H.-J. Schulze, J.-B. Wei. Astrophys.J. 860 (2018) 2, 139.
  5. Merger of compact stars in the two-families scenario. R. De Pietri, A. Drago, A. Feo, G. Pagliara, M. Pasquali, S. Traversi, and G. Wiktorowicz. Astrophys.J. 881 (2019) 2, 122.


  1. Torsional oscillations of nonbare strange stars. M.Mannarelli, G.Pagliaroli, A.Parisi, L.Pilo and F.Tonelli. Astrophys. J. 815 (2015) no.2, 81
  2. Measuring the neutron star compactness and binding energy with supernova neutrinos. A. Gallo Rosso, F. Vissani and M.C.Volpe. JCAP 11(2017), 036
  3. Pinpointing astrophysical bursts of low-energy neutrinos embedded into the noise. C.Casentini, G.Pagliaroli, C.Vigorito and V.Fafone. JCAP 08 (2018), 010
  4. Gravitational wave echoes from strange stars. M.Mannarelli and F.Tonelli. Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 123010
  5. Meson condensation. M.Mannarelli. Particles 2 (2019) no.3, 411


INFN Sezione di Milano
  1. Constraints on pulsar masses from the maximum observed glitch. P. M. Pizzochero, M. Antonelli, B. Haskell and S. Seveso. Nature Astronomy 1 (2017) 0134.
  2. Effects of general relativity on glitch amplitudes and pulsar mass upper bounds. M. Antonelli, A. Montoli and P. M. Pizzochero, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 475 (2018) 5
  3. The role of mass, equation of state and superfluid reservoir in large pulsar glitches. A. Montoli, M. Antonelli and P. M. Pizzochero. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492 (2020) 4837
  4. Core and crust contributions in overshooting glitches: the Vela pulsar 2016 glitch. P. M. Pizzochero, A. Montoli and M. Antonelli. Astronomy&Astrophysics 636 (2020) A101.
  5. A universal formula for the relativistic correction to the mutual friction coupling time-scale in neutron stars. L. Gavassino, M. Antonelli, P. M. Pizzochero and B. Haskell. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 (2020) 3562.


INFN Sezione di Pisa
  1. Two Coexisting Families of Compact Stars: Observational Implications for Millisecond Pulsars. S. Bhattacharyya, I. Bombaci, D. Logoteta, A.V .Thampan. Astrophys. Jour.  848 (2017) 65.
  2. Equation of state of dense nuclear matter and neutron star structure from nuclear chiral interactions. I. Bombaci, D. Logoteta. Astron. and Astrophys. 609 (2018) A128.  
  3.  Effects of chiral effective field theory equation of state on binary neutron star mergers. A. Endrizzi, D. Logoteta, B. Giacomazzo, I. Bombaci, W. Kastaun, R. Ciolfi. Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 043015. 
  4. Impact of chiral hyperonic three-body forces on neutron stars. D. Logoteta, I. Vidana, I. Bombaci. European Physical Journal A 55 (2019) 207.
  5.  Benchmark calculations of pure neutron matter with realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions. M. Piarulli, I. Bombaci, D. Logoteta, A. Lovato, R. B. Wiringa. Physical Review C 101 (2020) 045801


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April 3-4, 2025

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