Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology




INFN Section Firenze

1. A. Mitridate, M. Redi, J. Smirnov and A. Strumia, Cosmological Implications of Dark Matter Bound States, JCAP 05 (2017), 006 doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2017/05/006 [arXiv:1702.01141 [hep-ph]].

2. R. Franceschini, G. Panico, A. Pomarol, F. Riva and A. Wulzer, Electroweak Precision Tests in High-Energy Diboson Processes, JHEP 02 (2018), 111 doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2018)111 [arXiv:1712.01310 [hep-ph]].

3. A. Agugliaro, O. Antipin, D. Becciolini, S. De Curtis and M. Redi, UV complete composite Higgs models, Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) no.3, 035019 doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.95.035019
[arXiv:1609.07122 [hep-ph]].

4. L. Delle Rose, G. Panico, M. Redi and A. Tesi, Gravitational Waves from Supercool Axions, JHEP 04 (2020), 025 doi:10.1007/JHEP04(2020)025 [arXiv:1912.06139 [hep-ph]].

5. R. Barkana, N.J. Outmezguine, D. Redigolo and T. Volansky, Strong constraints on light dark matter interpretation of the EDGES signal, Phys. Rev. D98 (2018) no.10, 103005, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.103005 [arXiv:1803.03091 [hep-ph]].

INFN Section Pisa
1. A. Azatov, R. Contino, C. S. Machado and F. Riva, Helicity

selection rules and noninterference for BSM amplitudes,

Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) no.6, 065014 doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.95.065014 [arXiv:1607.05236 [hep-ph]].

2. G. Franciolini, L. Hui, R. Penco, L. Santoni and E. Trincherini,

Effective Field Theory of Black Hole Quasinormal Modes in Scalar-Ten- sor Theories, JHEP 02 (2019), 127 doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2019)127 [arXiv:1810.07706 [hep-th]].

3. D. Buttazzo, A. Greljo, G. Isidori and D. Marzocca, B-physics anomalies: a guide to combined explanations, JHEP 11 (2017), 044 doi:10.1007/JHEP11(2017)044 [arXiv:1706.07808 [hep-ph]].

4. M. Cirelli, P. Panci, K. Petraki, F. Sala and M. Taoso,

Dark Matter's secret liaisons: phenomenology of a dark U(1) sector with bound states, JCAP 05 (2017), 036 doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2017/05/036 [arXiv:1612.07295 [hep-ph]]. 


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April 3-4, 2025

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