COME (INFN-CSN3, 2016)
COME, acronym for COpper MEasurement, was a 1-year project, dedicated to the first measurements of the 70Zn(p,x)67,64Cu nuclear reactions above 35 MeV, performed in collaboration with the ARRONAX facility (Saint-Herblain, France).
67Cu is an emerging radionuclide, under the spotlight of the scientific community, thanks to its decay characteristics. The 67Cu half-life (T1/2 61.9 h) allows for labeling pharmaceuticals having slow pharmacokinetics, while β−/γ radiation (for 67Cu) and β−/β+ emission (for 64Cu,T1/2 12.7 h) are suitable for therapy and SPECT/PET imaging, respectively.

the continuous line is the IAEA recommended value for 68Zn targets; the dashed line refers to the measured values for 70Zn targets. The vertical dashed lines refer to the favorable energy range for 67Cu production. A scheme of the multi-layer target configuration described in the international INFN patent is also shown at the bottom
As shown in the Figures, the 70Zn(p,x)67,64Cu cross section results were the ground for an INFN patent on a multi-layer target to optimize 67Cu production exploiting a 70-MeV proton beam and enriched 70Zn and 68Zn targets, entitled “A method and a target for the production of 67Cu”.
- More information can be found here:
- L. Mou, P. Martini, G. Pupillo, I. Cieszykowska, C.S. Cutler and R. Mikołajczak, 67Cu production capabilities: a mini review 2022 Molecules DOI: 10.3390/molecules27051501
- G. Pupillo, L. Mou, S. Manenti, F. Groppi, J. Esposito and F. Haddad, Nuclear data for light charged particle induced production of emerging medical radionuclides 2022 Radiochimica Acta DOI: 10.1515/ract-2022-0011 (invited article for the Jubilee issue)
- A.R. Jalilian, M.A. Gizawy, C. Alliot, S. Takacs, S. Chakarborty, M.R. Aboudzadeh Rovais, G. Pupillo et al.,IAEA Activities on 67Cu, 186Re, 47Sc Theranostic radionuclides and Radiopharmaceuticals in Current Radiopharmaceuticals (2021) DOI:10.2174/1874471013999200928162322
- G. Pupillo, P. Antonini, M. Calderolla, A. Calore, D. Bettoni, A. Boschi, S. Cisternino, A. Duatti, F. Evangelisti, P. Favaron, G. Fiorentini, F. Gramegna, G. Keppel, M. Maggiore, P. Martini, L. Mou, M. Pasquali, L. Pranovi, C. Rossi Alvarez, L. Sarchiapone, G. Sciacca, H. Skliarova and J. Esposito, The Laramed Project at LNL: 67Cu and 47Sc Production for Theranostic Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 2295, 020001 (2020); DOI: 10.1063/5.0032898
- G. Pupillo, L. Mou, P. Martini, M. Pasquali, A. Boschi, G. Cicoria, A. Duatti, F. Haddad and J. Esposito, Production of 67Cu by enriched 70Zn targets: first measurements of formation cross sections of 67Cu, 64Cu, 67Ga, 66Ga, 69mZn and 65Zn in interactions of 70Zn with protons above 45 MeV Radiochimica Acta(2020) DOI: 10.1515/ract-2019-3199
- G. Pupillo, T. Sounalet, N. Michel, L. Mou, J. Esposito, F. Haddad, New production cross sections for the theranostic radionuclide 67Cu (2018) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms – Volume 415, Pages 41-47 DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.10.022