REMIX (INFN-CSN5, 2021-2023)

REMIX project, acronym for Research on Emerging Medical radIonuclides from the X-sections, is dedicated to the production of 47Sc and Tb radionuclides (149Tb, 152Tb, 155Tb and 161Tb), and it is organized in the following Work Packages (WP):

WP1 target realization using the HIVIPP and SPS techniques and characterization by Elastic Backscattering Spectroscopy (EBS); WP2 measurements of the 49,50Ti(p,x)47Sc nuclear cross sections (exploiting the thin targets realized with the HIVIPP technique);
WP3 measurements of the 159Tb(p,5n)155Dy→155Tb and natDy(p,x)15yTb nuclear reactions;
WP4 nuclear modeling using TALYS, FLUKA and EMPIRE codes;
WP5 dosimetric calculations, using the OLINDA code, for example for the 47Sc-DOTA folate;
WP6 study of the low energy 155Gd(p,n)155Tb production route in collaboration with the Sacro Cuore Don Calabria hospital;
WP7 technology developments, such as a dedicated Target Station (TS) to be installed in the LARAMED beam line dedicated to nuclear cross section measurements.
During 2023, experiments for 155Tb production with a medical cyclotron are foreseen using Gd2O3 pellets, obtained by SPS, using an aluminum capsule realized in the framework of the INTEFF_TOTEM project.
- More information can be found here:
- L. Mou, L. De Dominicis, S. Cisternino, F. Haddad, M. Campostrini, V. Rigato, J. Esposito and G. Pupillo, Preliminary results of the theranostic 47Sc cyclotron proton-induced production with enriched 48Ti, 49Ti and 50Ti targets, Proceedings of the 16th Varenna Conference (NRM2023), EPJ Web of Conferences Volume 292 (2024) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202429211001
- G. Pupillo, L. De Dominicis, S. Cisternino, J. Esposito, M. Campostrini, Valentino Rigato, F. Haddad, E. Nigron and L. Mou, Proton-induced Reactions for 47Sc (and 46Sc) Production: New Nuclear Cross Section Measurements on Enriched Titanium Targets, Under publication, Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (2024)
- L. Mou, L. De Dominicis, S. Cisternino, H. Skliarova, M. Campostrini, V. Rigato, L. De Nardo, L. Meléndez-Alafort, J. Esposito, F. Haddad and G. Pupillo, Nuclear cross section of proton-induced reactions on enriched 48Ti targets for the production of the theranostic 47Sc radionuclide and 46cSc, 44mSc, 44gSc, 43Sc, 48V, Pharmaceuticals, Special Issue “New Trends in Applications and Production of Metal Radionuclides for Nuclear Medicine” (2023) DOI: 10.3390/ph17010026
- L. De Dominicis, L. Mou, S. Cisternino, M. Campostrini, V. Rigato, E. Nigron, F. Haddad and G. Pupillo, 47Sc production with proton beams on isotopically enriched 48Ti and 49Ti targets, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 012128 (2023) DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012128
- G. Pupillo, U Anselmi-Tamburini, F Barbaro, M Bello, S Bortolussi, A Boschi, M Campostrini, L Canton, M P Carante, E Cazzola, S Cisternino, A Colombi, M Colucci, L De Dominicis, L De Nardo, A Duatti, A Fontana, G Gorgoni, F Groppi, F Haddad, S Manenti, P Martini, L Meléndez-Alafort, L Mou, E Nigron, V Rigato, G Sciacca and J Esposito, Research on Emerging Medical radionuclides from the X-sections (REMIX): The Accelerator-based Production of 47Sc, 149Tb, 152Tb, 155Tb and 161Tb, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2586 012118 (2023) DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012118
- S. Cisternino, L. De Dominicis, L. Mou, J. Esposito, C. Gennari, I. Calliari and G. Pupillo, Cryomilling of Isotope-Enriched Ti Powders for HIVIPP Deposition to Manufacture Targets for Nuclear Cross Section Measurement, Materials (2023) 16(11), 3926, DOI:10.3390/ma16113926
- S. Cisternino, H. Skliarova, P. Antonini, J. Esposito, L. Mou, L. Pranovi, G. Pupillo and G. Sciacca, Upgrade of the HIVIPP deposition apparatus for nuclear physics thin targets manufacturing, Instruments (2022) 6(3), 23; DOI: 10.3390/instruments6030023