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CERN Documents
Talks / Proceedings
- Eugenia Spedicato, WIFAI 2024 – Third Italian Workshop on the Physics at High Intensity (Bologna, 12-15 November 2024), Status of the MUonE experiment
- Giovanni Abbiendi, 3rd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 12-14 November 2024), MUonE analysis of 2023 data and prospects for 2025 run
- Umberto Marconi, 3rd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 12-14 November 2024), Status of MUonE experiment
- Duncan Parker, 3rd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 12-14 November 2024), Progress with the 1S-module
- Marco Bonetti, 3rd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 12-14 November 2024), MUonE at N3LO
- Fulvio Piccinini, 3rd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 12-14 November 2024), Status of MUonE Theory
- Izabela Juszczak, WPCF 2024 – 17th workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy (Toulouse, 4-8 November 2024), The MUonE experiment at SPS
- Riccardo Pilato, 7th Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative (KEK, Tsukuba, 9-13 September 2024), Status of the MUonE experiment
- Eugenia Spedicato, ICHEP 2024 (Prague, 17-24 July 2024), The MUonE experiment: a novel way to measure the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 [proceedings]
- Riccardo Pilato, ICHEP 2024 (Prague, 17-24 July 2024), Results of a MUonE scaled detector with 160 GeV muon beam (poster)[proceedings]
- Riccardo Pilato, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 3-7 June 2024), An alternative approach to extract hadronic Delta_alpha from MUonE data
- Giovanni Abbiendi, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 3-7 June 2024), Status of MUonE analysis and first results from the 2023 test run
- Riccardo Pilato, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 3-7 June 2024), Status of the MUonE experiment
- David Monk, 16th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors (La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, May 26-June 1, 2024), 40MHz Readout of CMS Silicon Modules in a High Intensity Beam
- Anna Driutti, 16th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors (La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, May 26-June 1, 2024), The detector for the MUonE experiment at CERN (poster)
- Riccardo Pilato, 153rd Meeting of the SPSC (CERN, 7-8 May 2024), Proposal for phase 1 of the MUonE experiment
- Ce Zhang, Workshop on Muon Physics at the Intensity and Precision Frontiers (MIP 2024, Peking, 18-22 April 2024), The MUonE Experiment: Understanding Muon g−2 Puzzle via Muon-Electron Scattering
- Martin Delcourt, 12th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop (BTTB12, Edinburgh, 15-19 April 2024), Commissioning and study of a CMS 2S module with 40MHz readout
- Michael McGinnis, 12th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop (BTTB12, Edinburgh, 15-19 April 2024), Results for Online Track-fitting in Hardware at 40 MHz
- Riccardo Pilato, 17th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU2023, Lousville, 4-9 December 2023), An alternative evaluation of the leading-order hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 with MUonE
- Clara Matteuzzi, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Plans for MUonE 2025 run
- Kirika Uchida, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), 1S-modules for the MUonE tracker
- Themis Bowcock, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), BMS mechanics and sensors
- Fedor Ignatov, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Simulation of Beam Momentum Station
- Carlo Ferrari, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Mechanics of MUonE tracking station
- Giovanni Abbiendi, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), MUonE software and preliminary results of Test Run 2023
- David Monk, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Performance of the MUonE DAQ in the Test Run 2023
- Stefano Laporta, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Higher order HVP at MUonE
- Riccardo Pilato, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Extraction of Dalpha_had and calculation of aμHLO in MUonE
- Fulvio Piccinini, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Status of MUonE theory
- Umberto Marconi, 2nd Muon Precision Physics Workshop (Liverpool, 7-10 November 2023), Status of the MUonE experiment
- Eugenia Spedicato, 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD23, Siena, 25-29 September 2023), A prototype electromagnetic calorimeter for the MUonE experiment: status and first performance results [proceedings]
- Matteo Magherini, 16th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD23, Siena, 25-29 September 2023), The MUonE DAQ: Online Track-finding and Event Selection in Hardware at 40 MHz [proceedings]
- Riccardo Pilato, Sixth Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative (Bern, 4-8 September 2023), Status of the MUonE experiment
- Fulvio Piccinini, Sixth Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative (Bern, 4-8 September 2023), Status of the MUonE theory
- Mateusz Goncerz, 52nd International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (Gyöngyös, 21-26 August 2023), The MUonE experiment
- Riccardo Pilato, EPS-HEP2023 (Hamburg, 20-25 August 2023), The MUonE experiment: mu-e elastic scattering as a key to understand the muon g-2 puzzle [proceedings]
- David Monk, EPS-HEP2023 (Hamburg, 20-25 August 2023), The MUonE DAQ: Online Track-finding and Event Selection in Hardware at 40 MHz
- Adrian Gutierrez, EPS-HEP2023 (Hamburg, 20-25 August 2023), A prototype electromagnetic calorimeter for the MUonE experiment: status and first performance results
- Andrea Gurgone, EPS-HEP2023 (Hamburg, 20-25 August 2023), Theory for the MUonE experiment [proceedings]
- Mateusz Goncerz, 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics (Meson2023), (Krakow, 22-27 June 2023), The MUonE experiment
- Kristian Hahn, 4th International Conference on Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV 2023), (Heidelberg, 20-22 June 2023), The MUonE Experiment: Status & Outlook
- Dinko Pocanic, Muon4Future workshop (Venezia, 29-31 May 2023), The MUonE experiment at CERN
- Aldo Arena, New Frontiers in Lepton Flavor (Pisa, 15-17 May 2023), Digital holographic interferometry method for tracking detector modules displacement
- Joe Price, New Frontiers in Lepton Flavor (Pisa, 15-17 May 2023), The g-2 experiment at Fermilab, and
MuonE at CERN
- David Monk, 11th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop (DESY, Hamburg, 17-21 April 2023), Online Track-finding and Event Selection in Hardware at 40 MHz
- Giovanni Abbiendi, workshop NePSi 23 (Pisa, 15-17 February 2023), The MUonE experiment
- Roberto Tenchini, IIHE ULB-VUB Invited Seminar (Brussels, 13 January 2023), The running of the electromagnetic coupling constant and the MUonE experiment
- Umberto Marconi, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 14-18 November 2022), The MUonE experiment: status and news from test runs
- Giovanni Abbiendi, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 14-18 November 2022), MUonE analysis strategy
- Riccardo Pilato, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 14-18 November 2022), MUonE simultaneous fit of Dalpha_had and systematic effects
- Fulvio Piccinini, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 14-18 November 2022), MUonE theory status
- Ettore Budassi, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 14-18 November 2022), Radiative corrections to mu-e scattering
- Clara Lavinia Del Pio, MITP Topical Workshop (Mainz, 14-18 November 2022), Recent calculations for MUonE
- Eugenia Spedicato, DISCRETE 2022 (Baden-Baden, 7-11 November 2022), Status of the MUonE experiment
- Umberto Marconi, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), Status of MUonE
- Carlo Carloni Calame, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), MUonE theory
- Giovanni Abbiendi, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), MUonE extraction of Delta(alpha)
- Marcin Kucharczyk, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), Software for MUonE
- Mark Pesaresi, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), MUonE Beam Tests in 2022
& Activities at IC
- Anna Driutti, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), Activity of MUonE in Pisa
- Themis Bowcock, Workshop on Muon Precision Physics (Liverpool, 7-9 November 2022), Strawman BMS for MUonE
- Umberto Marconi, FCCP2022 (Anacapri, Capri Island, 22-24 September 2022), Status of MUonE
- Riccardo Pilato, Fifth Plenary Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative (Edinburgh, 5-9 September 2022), MUonE experiment
- Lorenzo Capriotti, NuFact 2022 (Snowbird, Salt Lake City, 31 July – 6 August 2022), The MUonE experiment proposal, status and plans
- Riccardo Pilato, ICHEP 2022 (Bologna, 6-13 July 2022), Status of the MUonE experiment [proceedings]
- Ettore Budassi, ICHEP 2022 (Bologna, 6-13 July 2022), High precision calculations for the MUonE experiment [proceedings]
- Clara Lavinia Del Pio, ICHEP 2022 (Bologna, 6-13 July 2022), Single pion production in muon-electron scattering at MUonE (poster) [proceedings]
- Patrick Asenov, ICHEP 2022 (Bologna, 6-13 July 2022), A Geant4-based simulation study for a preliminary setup of the MUonE experiment (poster) [proceedings]
- Graziano Venanzoni, SchwingerFest 2022: muon g-2 (14-17 June 2022), The MUonE experiment
- Giovanni Abbiendi, STRONG2020 Workshop on “Spacelike and Timelike determination of the Hadronic Leading Order contribution to the Muon g-2” (24-26 November 2021), MUonE analysis status
- Umberto Marconi, STRONG2020 Workshop on “Spacelike and Timelike determination of the Hadronic Leading Order contribution to the Muon g-2” (24-26 November 2021), Status of MUonE
- Giovanni Abbiendi, ICNFP2021 (Crete, 23 August – 7 October 2021), Status of the MUonE experiment [talk] [proceedings]
- Riccardo Nunzio Pilato, Potential Fermilab Muon Campus & Storage Ring Experiments (24-27 May 2021), MUonE: a novel approach to measure aμHLO
- Eugenia Spedicato, EPS-HEP2021 (virtual, 26-30 July 2021), Status of the MUonE experiment [poster][proceedings]
- Giovanni Abbiendi, Physics Beyond Colliders Annual Workshop (CERN, virtual, 1-4 Mar 2021), Status of the MUonE project
- Riccardo Nunzio Pilato, 9th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop (Lecce, virtual, 8-11 Feb 2021), Status of the MUonE experiment
- Giovanni Abbiendi, ICHEP 2020 (Prague, virtual, 28/Jul-6/Aug 2020), Status of the MUonE experiment [talk] [proceedings]
- Riccardo Pilato (2022), Feasibility study of the MUonE experiment (Pisa, PhD thesis)
- Sara Cesare (2022), Calorimetry for MUonE (Padova, master thesis)
- Michele Mantovano (2021), The tracker system of the MUonE experiment to measure the hadronic contribution to alpha(Q2) with muon-electron scattering events (Pisa, master thesis)
- Eugenia Spedicato (2021), Fast simulation of the MUonE 2021 test run setup (Bologna, master thesis)
- Lorenzo Mai (2020), NP effects at the MUonE experiment at CERN (Padova, master thesis)
- Riccardo Pilato (2019), The MUonE experiment: a novel way to measure the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 (Pisa, master thesis)
- Antonio Principe (2019), Feasibility study of the MUonE experiment: measuring the leading hadronic contribution to the muon g-2 via space-like data (Bologna, master thesis)
- Mattia Soldani (2019), MUonE: a high-energy scattering experiment to study the muon g-2 (Insubria U., Como, master thesis)
- Matteo Bonanomi (2018), Study and validation of an innovative experiment to measure the hadronic contributions to the running of alphaem (Milano Bicocca, master thesis)
- Massimo Alacevich (2017), The muon anomalous magnetic moment and muon electron scattering (Pavia, master thesis)
- Luca Pagani (2017), A new approach to muon g-2 with space-like data: analysis and fitting procedure (Bologna, master thesis)