Oggetto: [csn3_referees] Nuclear Physics Mid Term Plan in Italy - LNF Session
Data:  Thu, 13 Oct 2022 18:42:03 +0200
Mittente: Silvia Pisano This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Dear collegues,

we are happy to announce the LNF session of the Mid-Term Plan for Nuclear Physics at INFN Laboratories, organized this year by the scientific national committee for nuclear physics.
The LNF edition is the last session of a series of workshop held this year at LNS, LNL and LNGS:

The workshop will take place on December 1-2, 2022 at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy. The focus of the workshop will be the mid-term perspectives in the field of detectors for nuclear physics, new facilities at LNL and LNS and the potentialities for nuclear physics measurements at LNF with present and future machines.

Since the goal of the workshop is stimulating a discussion on the presented topics, all of you are kindly invited to register and eventually to take part in the preliminary activities of the different working groups.

The webpage of the event is

where you can both register for the attendance and for the participation to the working groups you may be willing to contribute to.

We warmly encourage you to share this information with your community and we are looking forward to welcome you in Frascati,

The Organizing Committee

In primo piano

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