International Workshop on future research program with the high power cyclotron of SPES-LNL May 12th-13th 2025, LNL (Legnaro-Padova)
Workshop INFN-CSN5/AIFM sulla Fisica Medica "Oltre la Diagnosi e la Terapia: La Ricerca che Rivoluziona la Clinica", April 7th-9th 2025, Catania
IV Giornata Acceleratori, April 3rd-4th 2025, LNL (Legnaro-Padova)
IFD2025: INFN Workshop on Future Detectors March 17th-19th 2025, Sestri Levante (Genova)
Workshop on Electronics for Physics Experiments and Applications @INFN, March 5th-7th 2025, Torino
Sesto Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, February 26th-28th 2024, Trento
Workshop Nazionale INFN-Acceleratori: April 7th-8th 2022, Milano
AI@INFN - Artificial Intelligence at INFN May 2nd-3rd 2022, Bologna
INFN and Covid-19 challenge; February 9th-10th 2021, online
- Quantum technologies within INFN: status and perspectives; January 20th -21st 2010, Padova, Italy
- XVI Seminar on Software for Nuclear Sub-nuclear and Applied physics and International Geant4 School; May 26th -31st 2019, Porto Conte, Alghero, Italy
- 9th IDPASC School - XXXI International Seminar of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, May 27th - June 3rd 2019, Otranto, Italy
- IPAB2016 (Intense and Powerful accelerator beams for industrial and energy application), March 14th - 15th Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy
- Workshop on High Energy Density Physics with Bella-i, January 20th-22nd, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA;
- Connecting the Dots, February 22nd-24th, EPHY Wien, Austria
- ELIMEDICS 2016 (II Workshop on Medical and Biological Research with ELI-Beamlines), March 3rd-4th, Prague, Czech Republic;
- ICFA Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams, March 28th - April 1st 2016, Havana, Cuba;
- II Workshop on 'What next in Radiobiology at INFN', May 12nd - 13rd, Trento, Italy
- PTCOG 55th annual conference of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group, May 22nd - 28th, Prague Czech Republic
- PSMR2016:5th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, May 23rd - 25th, Cologne, Germany;
- XIII Seminar on Software for Nuclear Sub-nuclear and Applied physics and International Geant4 School; June 5th-10th 2016, Porto Conte, Alghero, Italy
- RF Coils: design build and characterise your own, June 21st - 23rd, University of L'aquila, Aquila, Italy;
- IFD2015 – INFN WORKSHOP for FUTURE DETECTORS 16-18 Dic 2015 - Aula Magna Cavallerizza Reale (TO)
- High intensity beam HIB@LNS 14-15 December 2015 INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania,Italy
- III International Geant4 and GPU programming school. 9-13 Nov., 2015 Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania.
- "Beam Dynamics meets Diagnostics" Workshop 4-6 November 2015, Florence, Italy.
- Conferenza Nazionale Italiana di Fisica della Materia; FISMAT2015 - 28 Sept - 2 Oct 2015 Palermo.
- One-day Workshop on the Physics at SPES with non re-accelerated Milano on April 20th-21st 2015.
- Annual meeting of ERDIT, European Radiation Detection and Imaging Platform 13-14 April 2015, Pisa.