

  1. Quantum technologies within INFN: status and perspectives; January 20th -21st 2010, Padova, Italy


  1. XVI Seminar on Software for Nuclear Sub-nuclear and Applied physics and International Geant4 School; May 26th -31st 2019, Porto Conte, Alghero, Italy
  2. 9th IDPASC School - XXXI International Seminar of Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, May 27th - June 3rd 2019, Otranto, Italy


  1. IPAB2016 (Intense and Powerful accelerator beams for industrial and energy application), March 14th - 15th Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy
  2. Workshop on High Energy Density Physics with Bella-i, January 20th-22nd, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA;
  3. Connecting the Dots, February 22nd-24th, EPHY Wien, Austria
  4. ELIMEDICS 2016 (II Workshop on Medical and Biological Research with ELI-Beamlines), March 3rd-4th, Prague, Czech Republic;
  5. ICFA Workshop on the Physics and Applications of High Brightness Beams, March 28th - April 1st 2016, Havana, Cuba;
  6. II Workshop on 'What next in Radiobiology at INFN', May 12nd - 13rd, Trento, Italy
  7. PTCOG 55th annual conference of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group, May 22nd - 28th, Prague Czech Republic
  8. PSMR2016:5th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, May 23rd - 25th, Cologne, Germany;
  9. XIII Seminar on Software for Nuclear Sub-nuclear and Applied physics and International Geant4 School; June 5th-10th 2016, Porto Conte, Alghero, Italy
  10. RF Coils: design build and characterise your own, June 21st - 23rd, University of L'aquila, Aquila, Italy;


  1. IFD2015 – INFN WORKSHOP for FUTURE DETECTORS 16-18 Dic 2015 - Aula Magna Cavallerizza  Reale (TO)
  2. High intensity beam HIB@LNS 14-15 December 2015 INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania,Italy

  3. III International Geant4 and GPU programming school9-13 Nov., 2015 Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) in Catania.
  4. "Beam Dynamics meets Diagnostics" Workshop 4-6 November 2015, Florence, Italy.  
  5. Conferenza Nazionale Italiana di Fisica della Materia; FISMAT2015 - 28 Sept - 2 Oct 2015 Palermo.
  6. One-day Workshop on the Physics at SPES with non re-accelerated Milano on April 20th-21st 2015.
  7. Annual meeting of ERDIT, European Radiation Detection and Imaging Platform 13-14 April 2015, Pisa.



  1. “ 8 Congresso Nazionale AIFM ”  Novembre 16-19, 2013 Torino, Italia.
  2. “ XXIII Giornate di studio sui rivelatori - Scuola F. Bonaudi ” Ottobre 22-25, 2013 Torino, Italia, Dipartimento di Fisica, Via P. Giuria 1.
  3. “ 13th Int. Conf. Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2013) ” September 30th - October 4th, 2013 Rome, Italy.
  4. “New Trends with Superconductiong Quantum Detectors” Scuola estiva su argomenti di Superconducting Electronics (ESAS, CNR SPIN, Universita' di Napoli Federico II, INFN Genova)  Settembre 9-13, 2013 Genova, Italia.
  5. “Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics ” Settembre 9-13, 2013 Politecnico di Milano, Italia.
  6. “ 3rd International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors ” July 1-6, 2013 Zaragoza, Spain.
  7. “V Scuola Nazionale Rivelatori ed Elettronica per Fisica delle Alte Energie, Astrofisica, Applicazioni Spaziali e Fisica Medica” Aprile 15-19, 2013 Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell'INFN, Italia.
  8. “XII edizione di IFAE - Incontri di Fisica delle Alte Energie” Aprile 3-5, 2013 Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato, Cagliari, Italia.


  1. “ 12th Heavy Ion Accelerator Technology Conference (HIAT2012) ”  June 18-21, 2012 Argonne National Laboratory - Chicago, Illinois USA.
  2. “ CAS Cern Accelerator School - Ion Sources”  Hotel Senec, Senec, Slovakia 29 May - 8 June 2012
  3. “ INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON POSITRON ASTROPHYSICS” Mürren, Switzerland, 20-23 March 2012
  4. “ ICTR-PHE 2012 International Conference on Translational Research in Radiation Oncology Physics for Health in Europe” February 27 - March 2, 2012 Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland
  5. “ 50th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics”  23-27 January 2012 Bormio (Italy)


  1. “ 2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Diagnostics Technologies (ICFDT2)”  INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati Nov. 28-30, 2011
  2. “ ANSiP-2011 Advanced School & Workshop on Nuclear Physics Signal Processing”  Acireale (CT), Italy - November 21-24, 2011
  3. “ !CHAOS - mini workshop a LNF” Frascati 12th Novembre 2011.
  4. “ DITANET International conference on diagnostic techniques for particle accelerators and beam instrumentation” Seville, Spain - 9th and 11th November 2011.
  5. “ DITANET Topical Workshop on Detection Techniques” Seville, Spain - 7th and 8th November 2011.
  6. “ Coulomb 11: Optical Acceleration of Ions and Perspective for Biomedicine” November 4 - 5, 2011 Sala Refettorio, Istituto Storico Parri via S. Isaia 18, 40123 Bologna (ITALY)
  7. “ 5th Workshop "Plasma Production by Laser Ablation"” September 21th-23th 2011 Catania, Siciliy - Palazzo Manganelli
  8. “ 3rd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress” Città del Mare (PA), ITALY - September 18-23, 2011
  10. MPGD2011 (2nd International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors)”  Kobe, JAPAN August 29 - September 1 2011
  11. “ Laser-Plasma Interactions and Applications” 14 - 27 August 2011, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
  13. “ VIII Seminario sul Software per la Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare e Applicata” Alghero - 6 al 10 giugno 2011
  14. “ IV Scuola Nazionale: Rivelatori ed Elettronica per Fisica delle Alte Energie, Astrofisica, Applicazioni Spaziali e Fisica Medica” Laboratori di Legnaro 11-15 aprile 2011
  15. “ Workshop della CCR:Stato e Prospettive del Calcolo Scientifico” Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell'INFN - 16 al 18 febbraio 2011.


  1. ER2010: “ International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity - New Frontiers and Developments ” Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei - Rome Italy, 25-27 October 2010.
  2. Channeling 2010: “ 4th International Conference on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena ” University of Ferrara - Italy (FE), 3-8 October 2010.
  3. SSD 16: “ 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry ” Summer School on Solid State Dosimetry, Australia (Sydney), 15-18 and 19-24 September 2010.
  4. BDO 2010 “ 16th Beam Dynamics and Optimization Workshop ” Russia (Saint-Petersburg), 28-30 June 2010.
  5. “ 24th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology ” Czech Republic (Prague), 14-17 June 2010.
  6. VIPS 2010: “ Workshop on Vertically Integrated Pixel Sensor” University of Pavia - Italy (Pv), 22-24 April 2010.
  7. “ XX GIORNATE DI STUDIO SUI RIVELATORI ” Italy (To) Centro Congressi di Villa Gualino, 23-26 Gennaio 2010.
  8. “ Physics for Health in Europe ” Switzerland (Geneva) CERN, 2-4 February 2010.


  1. Corso di formazione “Tecniche nucleari applicate alla diagnostica dei beni culturali”
    Italy (To), 25th-26th November 2009 
  2. FDT1: “International Conference ‘Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies”
    Laboratori Nazionali Frascati, Frascati (Rome) - Italy, 25th-27th November 2009 
  3. “Sorgenti di neutroni e loro applicazioni in ambito INFN” - workshop organizzato da CSN5 Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), Legnaro (Padova) Italy, 17th-19th Nov 2009. Link al programma. 
  4. MCTP2009: “Second European Workshop in Monte Carlo Treatment Planning” National Museum Wales, Cardiff (UK), 19th-21th October 2009 
  5. “14th Geant4 Users and Collaboration Workshop” Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - INFN (Catania), 15th-22th October 2009 
  6. “XCV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETA' ITALIANA DI FISICA” Bari (Italy), 28 Settembre-3 Ottobre 2009 
  7. “International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation NUFRA2009” Kemer (Antalya) Turkey, 27th September - 18th October 2009 
  8. “Physics and Chemisty in Nanobiotechnology” - 11th Course Jesi (Ancona) Italia, 1-4 September 2009 
  9. “International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" ” - Summer Courses 2009 - Varenna (Italy), 23th June - 25th July 2009 :
             Course CLXXIII: Nano optics and atomics: transport of light and matter waves. 23 June - 3 July 2009 
             Course CLXXIV: Physics with many positrons. 7 - 17 July 2009
             Course CLXXV: Radiation and particle detectors. 20 - 25 July 2009
  10. “ Ions Acceleration with high Power Lasers - Physics and Applications” Senigallia (Ancona) Italy, 7 July 2009 
  11. “Ions Acceleration with high Power Lasers - Physics and Applications” Senigallia (Ancona) Italy, 15-18 June 2009 
  12. MPGD2009: “1st International Conference on Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector” Kolympari (Greece), 12th-15th June 2009 “VI Seminario sul Software per la Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare e Applicata” Alghero, Localita Porto Conte, 1-5 June 2009 
  13. “ Nuclear Physics School 2009 ”Otranto, Lecce (Italy), 1-5 June 2009 
  14. Incontri del ciclo “Energia per il Futuro”: L'opzione Nucleare in Italia: quali prospettive?Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria, Milano (Italia), 25 Maggio 2009 
  15. Seminario con tema “La fisica nella società italiana” Frascati (Italia), 21 Maggio 2009 
  16. “6th Geant4 Space Users' Workshop” Madrid, 19-22 May 2009 
  17. Simposio: “Tecniche fisiche nelle Applicazioni biomediche” Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Aula Fleming, via Montpellier n. 1 , 20 aprile 2009 


  1. “Radiation Physics for Nuclear Medicine”Milano, 18-21 Novembre 2008 
  2. “Workshop sulla Radiobiologia nell'INFN” Trieste, Dipartimento di Fisica, 7 febbraio 2008


  1. “La Fisica Medica in Lombardia: 30 anni di esperienza nell’ambito della Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica Sanitaria”, Milano, 23 Maggio 2007
  2. "Quarto Seminario Nazionale sul Software della Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare ed Applicata" Alghero, June 4-8, 2007


  1. “Aspetti sociali nella radioprotezione” - Milano, Dipartimento di Fisica, 28 Novembre 2006
  2. “L'energia per il futuro: nucleare e fonti rinnovabili” - Milano, November 7-8, 2006 
  3. “Le frontiere tecnologiche in sanita' - Lecce, September 23, 2006 
  4. "Terzo Seminario Nazionale sul Software della Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare ed Applicata" Alghero, June 5-9, 2006 
  5. “Giornata di studio dedicata a STIPER - STImolazione PERcettiva" - Torino, June 12, 2006
  6. “Evoluzione della protezione dell'ambiente dalle radiazioni ionizzanti" Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, February 2 - 2006 


  1. "19th International Conference on Magnet Technology"Genova, September 18-23, 2005 
  2.  "Coulomb '05. High Intensity Beam Dynamics"  Senigallia (AN), September 12-17, 2005
  3.  2nd Workshop "Production of Intense Beams of Highly charged Ions" - PIBHI-2005 Giardini Naxos, June 8-11, 2005 
  4.  2nd Workshop "Plasma Production by Laser Ablation" - PPLA 2005 Giardini Naxos, June 8-11,
  5. "Secondo Seminario Nazionale sul Software della Fisica Nucleare, Subnucleare ed Applicata"  Alghero, June 6-10, 2005


July 2024: i termini di scadenza del bando grant giovani sono stati prorogati al 2 agosto


May 2024: The CSN5 announcement for 6 Grants for young researchers has been published

Italian and English versions- On-line application form

Template of proposal grant for young researchers


April 2024: the INFN CSN5 Call proposal has been published (SCADENZA 3 giugno 2024)


Call template

Feb 26-28, 2024: Sesto Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Trento, Sala della Cooperazione); locandina
L’incontro, promosso dalle Commissioni Scientifiche Nazionali 3, 4 e 5, nasce come iniziativa di ricercatori INFN e universitari con l'obiettivo di creare un'occasione di confronto per la comunità italiana di fisici, teorici e sperimentali, attivi nel campo della fisica nucleare, fondamentale e applicata.
Informazioni su https://agenda.infn.it/e/infn2024
Nov. 2023: pubblicazione delibera di aprovazione graduatoria del bando grant (link)


Standard experiment template


November, 19-20 2024



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