- Workshop INFN-CSN5/AIFM sulla Fisica Medica "Oltre la Diagnosi e la Terapia: La Ricerca che Rivoluziona la Clinica", April 7th-9th 2025, Catania
- Workshop on Electronics for Physics Experiments and Applications @INFN, March 5th-7th 2025, Torino
- Sesto Incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, February 26th-28th 2024, Trento
- Workshop Nazionale INFN-Acceleratori: April 7th-8th 2022, Milano
- AI@INFN - Artificial Intelligence at INFN May 2nd-3rd 2022, Bologna
- INFN and Covid-19 challenge; February 9th-10th 2021, online
- Quantum technologies within INFN: status and perspectives; January 20th -21st 2020, Padova,
- TERA-days: attività INFN e preospettive per la radiazione THz e le sue applicazioni, April 5th - 6th, 2017, "La Sapienza" University, Rome (I)
- Workshop on axion Physics and Experiments,March 27th - 28th, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, Italy
- IPAB2016 (Intense and Powerful accelerator beams for industrial and energy application), March 14th - 15th Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy
- II 'What next in radiobiology within INFN' - May 12nd - 13rd - Trento, Italy
- MiniWorkshop su acceleratori - 17 Feb 2015 - LNL.
- What next in radiobiology within INFN - 4 Apr 2014 - CENTRO CONGRESSI Napoli.
- Status and future perspectives of charged particle therapy - 17-18 Dic 2013 - CNAO Pavia.
- Elettronica VLSI nel INFN - 13 Nov 2013 - INFN Padova.
- R&D INFN sensori al diamante - 5 Dic 2012 - Presidenza Roma.