Non-perturbative Dynamics in Gauge and String




l INFN Section Bologna

  1. D. Fioravanti and D. Gregori, Integrability and cycles of deformed N=2 gauge theory, Phys. Lett. B 804, 135376 (2020), arXiv:1908.08030.
  2. D. Fioravanti, S. Piscaglia and M. Rossi, Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz on the GKP vacuum as a defect spin chain: scattering, particles and minimal area Wilson loops, Nucl. Phys. B 898, 301-400 (2015), arXiv:1503.08795
  3. F. Bastianelli, R. Bonezzi, O. Corradini and E. Latini, One-loop quantum gravity from the N=4 spinning particle, JHEP 11 (2019), 124, arXiv:1909.05750.
  4. N. Drukker, D. Trancanelli, L. Bianchi, M. S. Bianchi, D. H. Correa, V. Forini, L. Griguolo, M. Leoni, F. Levkovich-Maslyuk, G. Nagaoka, S. Penati, M. Preti, M. Probst, P. Putrov, D. Seminara, G. A. Silva, M. Tenser, M. Trépanier, E. Vescovi, I. Yaakov and J. Zhang, Roadmap on Wilson loops in 3d Chern-Simons-matter theories, J. Phys. A 53 (2020) no.17, 173001, arXiv:1910.00588.
  5. R. Zucchini, A Lie based 4-dimensional higher Chern--Simons theory, J. Math. Phys. 57 (2016) no.5, 052301, arXiv:1512.05977.

l INFN Section Firenze

  1. A. Bernamonti, F. Galli, J. Hernandez, R. C. Myers, S. M. Ruan and J. Simón, First Law of Holographic Complexity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, no.8, 081601 (2019), arXiv:1903.04511.
  2. D. Seminara, J. Sisti and E. Tonni, Corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS4/BCFT3, JHEP 11, 076 (2017), arXiv:1708.05080
  3. V. Forini, V. Giangreco M. Puletti, L. Griguolo, D. Seminara and E. Vescovi, Precision calculation of 1/4-BPS Wilson loops in AdS5 x S5, JHEP 02, 105 (2016), arXiv:1512.00841.
  4. R. Argurio, M. Bertolini, F. Bigazzi, A. L. Cotrone and P. Niro, QCD domain walls,Chern-Simons theories and holography, JHEP 09, 090 (2018), arXiv:1806.08292.
  5. L. Bartolini, F. Bigazzi, S. Bolognesi, A. L. Cotrone and A. Manenti, Theta dependence in Holographic QCD, , JHEP 02, 029 (2017), arXiv:1611.00048.

l INFN Section Parma

  1. L. Bianchi, L. Griguolo, M. Preti and D. Seminara, Wilson lines as superconformal defects in ABJM theory: a formula for the emitted radiation,, JHEP 10 (2017) 050, arXiv:1706.06590.
  2. M. S. Bianchi, L. Griguolo, A. Mauri, S. Penati and D. Seminara, A matrix model for the latitude Wilson loop in ABJM theory, , JHEP 02 (2016) 172, arXiv:1802.07742
  3. M. Bonini, L. Griguolo, M. Preti and D. Seminara, Bremsstrahlung function, leading Lüscher correction at weak coupling and localization, JHEP 02, 105 (2016), arXiv:1511.05016.
  4. S. Bonansea, S. Davoli, L. Griguolo and D. Seminara, Circular Wilson loops in defect N = 4 SYM: phase transitions, double-scaling limits and OPE expansions, JHEP 03 (2020) 084, arXiv:1911.07792.
  5. P. Liendo, C. Meneghelli, V. Mitev, Bootstrapping the half-BPS line defect, JHEP 10 (2018) 077, arXiv:1806.01862.

l INFN Section Perugia

  1. R. Auzzi, S. Baiguera, F. Filippini and G. Nardelli, On Newton-Cartan local renormalization group and anomalies,, JHEP 11 (2016) 163R, arXiv:1610.00123.
  2. R. Auzzi, S. Baiguera, M. Grassi, G. Nardelli and N. Zenoni, Complexity and action for warped AdS black holes, , JHEP 09 (2018) 013R, arXiv:1806.06216
  3. R. Auzzi, S. Baiguera, A. Legramandi, G. Nardelli, P. Roy and N. Zenoni, On subregion action complexity in AdS3 and in the BTZ black hole,, JHEP 01 (2020) 066, arXiv:1910.00526.
  4. G. Grignani, T. Harmark and M. Orselli, Force-free electrodynamics near rotation axis of a Kerr black hole, Class. Quant. Grav.37 (2020), no. 8 085012, arXiv:1908.07227.
  5. G. Grignani and G. W. Semenoff, Defect QED: Dielectric without a Dielectric, Monopole without a Monopole, JHEP 11 (2019) 114, arXiv:1909.03279.

l INFN Section Pisa

  1. L. Bartolini, S. Bolognesi, S. Bjarke Gudnason, Deuteron electric dipole moment from holographic QCD,, Phys. Rev. D 101, 086009 (2020), arXiv:1906.01485.
  2. S. Bolognesi,: K. Konishi, Dynamics and symmetries in chiral SU(N) gauge theories, , Phys. Rev. D 100, 114008 (2019), arXiv:1905.10555
  3. S. Bolognesi, S. Bjarke Gudnason, K. Konishi, K. Ohashi, Large-N CPN−1 sigma model on a Euclidean torus: uniquness and stability of the vacuum,, JHEP 1912:044, 2019, arXiv:1708.08805.
  4. A.Betti, S. Bolognesi, S. Bjarke Gudnason, K. Konishi, K. Ohashi,Large-N CPN-1 sigma model on a finite interval and the renormalized string energy, JHEP 1801:106, 2018, arXiv:1703.08695.
  5. S. Baldino, S. Bolognesi, S. Bjarke Gudnason, D. Koksal, A Solitonic Approach to Holographic Nuclear Physics, Phys. Rev. D 96, 034008 (2017), arXiv:1703.08695.

l INFN Section Trieste

  1. G. Bonelli, K. Maruyoshi and A. Tanzini, Quantum Hitchin Systems via β-Deformed Matrix Models, Commun. Math. Phys. 358, no.3, 1041-1064 (2018), arXiv:1104.4016.
  2. S. Benvenuti and S. Giacomelli, Supersymmetric gauge theories with decoupled operators and chiral ring stability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, no. 25, 251601 (2017), arXiv:1706.02225
  3. S. Benvenuti and S. Giacomelli, Lagrangians for generalized Argyres-Douglas theories, JHEP 10, 106 (2017), arXiv:1707.05113.
  4. G. Bonelli, A. Grassi and A. Tanzini,Seiberg–Witten theory as a Fermi gas, Lett. Math. Phys. 107, no.1, 1-30 (2017), arXiv:1603.01174.
  5. M. Dubois-Violette and G. Landi, Noncommutative products of Euclidean spaces, Lett. Math. Phys. 108, no.11, 2491-2513 (2018), arXiv:1706.06930.


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April 3-4, 2025

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