SFT Statistical Field Theory

Low-Dimensional Systems, Integrable Models and Applications







Date: September 2024


INFN has opened 15 postdoctoral position in theoretical physics. One position will be held in Florence, to work on "Statistical field theories and their applications"

Deadline: Nov 14, 2024
For further info, please see: https://jobs.dsi.infn.it/borseassegni/pdf/getfile.php?filename=27076.pdf

We are opening a call for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher working within
the area of "Statistical Field Theories", and specifically, low-dimensional quantum
field theory, conformal field theory and integrable models, and their applications to
statistical mechanics and condensed matter systems". The fellowship is associated with
SFT's research node in Florence (reference person: Filippo Colomo, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. ).

The staff members of the research group in Florence are:

Leonardo Banchi (UniFI Associate Professor)
Andrea Cappelli (INFN, Director of Research)
Fabio Cinti (UniFI Associate Professor)
Filippo Colomo (INFN Senior Researcher)
Alessandro Cuccoli (UniFI Associate Professor)
Maria Cristina Diamantini (UniPG, Associate Professor)
Paola Verrucchi (CNR, Researcher)

Current research interests of our group include
- Bethe Ansatz solvable models and quantum integrability.
- Topological phases of matter, field theories and bosonization
- Entanglement, quantum information and quantum computation
Some recent publications:

- A Cappelli, L Maffi, R Villa,"Bosonization of 2+ 1 dimensional fermions on the
surface of topological insulators", arXiv:2406.01787

- AG Abanov, A Cappelli, "Hydrodynamics, "Anomaly inflow and bosonic effective field
theory", arXiv:2403.12360

- F Colomo, AG Pronko, "Scaling limit of domino tilings on a pentagonal domain",

- F Colomo, AG Pronko, "Evaluation of integrals for the emptiness formation
probability in the square-ice model", Nuclear Physics B 1004, (2024) 116565

- Y Kopelevich, J Torres, R da Silva, F Oliveira, MC Diamantini, "Global
Room‐Temperature Superconductivity in Graphite", Advanced Quantum Technologies
7 (2024) 2300230

- L Banchi, "Accuracy vs memory advantage in the quantum simulation of stochastic
processes", Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5 (2024) 025036

- D Nuzzi, L Banchi, R Vaia, E Compagno, A Cuccoli, P Verrucchi, S Bose,
"Full-magnetic implementation of a classical Toffoli gate",
Physical Review Research 6 (2014) 013308

- S Moroni, F Cinti, M Boninsegni, G Pellicane, S Prestipino, "Liquid-liquid
transition in a Bose fluid near collapse", Physical Review Letters 133 (2024) 096001

- A Masini, A Cuccoli, A Rettori, A Trombettoni, F Cinti, "Helicity modulus in the
bilayer XY model by worm algorith", arXiv:2407.11507

To apply, please follow instruction in the call,

Please also note:
The winner will be associated to I.N.F.N. research activity and will receive extra
funds for travel and for research equipment, such  as desktop/laptop.





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