Dynamics and non equilibrium states of complex systems






Catania Unit

1.     N Cinardi, A Rapisarda, G Bianconi, “Quantum statistics in network geometry with fractional flavor”, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 10, 103403 (2019)

2.     A Pluchino, AE Biondo, A Rapisarda, “Talent versus luck: The role of randomness in success and failure”, Advances in Complex Systems 21, 1850014 (2018)

3.     G. Falci, A. Ridolfo, P. G. Di Stefano, E.Paladino, “Ultrastrong coupling probed by coherent population transfer”, Scientific Report 9, 9249 (2019).

4.     F. M. D. Pellegrino, G. Falci, E. Paladino, “1/f critical current noise in short ballistic graphene Jospephson junctions”,  Communication Physics 3, 6 (2020).

5.     A. Carollo, D. Valenti, B. Spagnolo, Geometry of quantum phase transitions”, Physics Reports 838, 1-72 (2020).


Firenze Unit

1.     G. Giachetti, A. Santini, L. Casetti, "Coarse-grained collisionless dynamics with long-range interactions", Physical Review Research (2020, to appear), arXiv:1910.01436

2.     S. Iubini, L. Chirondojan, G. -L. Oppo, A. Politi, P. Politi, "Dynamical freezing of relaxation to equilibrium", Physical Review Letters 122, 084102 (2019)

3.     S. Iubini, P. Di Cintio, S. Lepri, R. Livi, L. Casetti, "Heat transport in oscillator chains with long-range interactions coupled to thermal reservoirs”, Physical Review E 97, 032102 (2018)

4.     M. Asslani, T. Carletti, F. Di Patti, D. Fanelli, F. Piazza, "Hopping in the crowd to unveil network topology", Physical Review Letters 120, 158301 (2018)

5.     N. Defenu, A. Trombettoni, S. Ruffo, "Criticality and phase diagram of quantum long-range O(N) models", Physical Review B 96, 104432 (2017)


Milano Unit

1.     F. Borgonovi, F.M. Izrailev, L.F. Santos, V.G. Zelevinsky, "Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles", Physics Reports 626, 1 (2016)

2.     T. Caby, G. Mantica, “Extreme value theory of evolving phenomena in complex dynamical systems. Firing cascades in a model of a neural network”, Chaos 30, 043118 (2020)

3.     N. Kyriakopoulos, F. Ginelli, J. Toner, “Leading birds by the beak: response of flocks to external perturbations”, New Journal of Physics, 18, 073039 (2016)

4.     B. Mahault, F. Ginelli, H. Chaté, “Quantitative Assessment of the Toner and Tu Theory of Polar Flocks”, Phys. Rev. Lett 123, 218001 (2019)

5.     M. Radice, M. Onofri, R. Artuso, G. Pozzoli, “Statistics of occupation time and connection to local properties of nonhomogeneous random walks”, Phys.Rev. E 101, 042103 (2020)


Parma Unit

1.     A. Vezzani, E. Barkai, R. Burioni “Rare events in generalized Levy processes and the big jump principle”, Nature Scientific Reports 10. 2732 (2020)

2.     S. di Santo, P. Villegas, R. Burioni, M.A. Munoz “Landau-Ginzburg theory of cortex dynamics: scale-free avalanches emerge at the edge of synchronization” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 13 115 (7) E1356-E1365 (2018)

3.     S. Dadras, A. Gresch, C. Groiseau, S. Wimberger, and G. S. Summy  Quantum walk in momentum space with a Bose-Einstein condensate”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 070402 (2018)

4.     D. Witthaut, M. Timme, R. Burioni, S. WimbergerClassical synchronization indicates persistent entanglement in isolated quantum systems” Nature Communications - ncomms14829 (2017)

5.     F. Pittorino, M. Ibanez Berganza, M. di Volo, A. Vezzani, R. Burioni “Chaos and correlated avalanches in excitatory neural networks with synaptic plasticity” Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 098102 (2017)



Roma Unit

1.     Cavagna A., Giardina I., Grigera T.: “The physics of flocking: correlation as a compass from experiments to theory”, Physics Reports 728, 1-72 (2018).

2.     Campa, L. Casetti, I. Latella, S. Ruffo: "Phase transitions in the unconstrained ensemble", J. Stat. Mech.: Th. Exp. 014004 (2020).

3.     A. Auconi, A. Giansanti and E. Klipp, Information Thermodynamics for Time Series of Signal-Response models. Entropy, 21, 177 (2019).

4.    M. Baldovin, F. Cecconi, M. Cencini, A. Puglisi, A. Vulpiani,
"The Role of Data in Model Building and Prediction: A Survey Through Examples.",  Entropy 20, 807 (2018)

5.     Ferretti F., Chardès V., Mora T., Walczak A.M., Giardina I., “Building general Langevin models from discrete datasets”, Physical Review X (to appear, 2020). arXiv:1912.10491.



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April 3-4, 2025

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