
Advanced Theoretical methods for emerging 2D materials in Quantum Information Technology Studies




 List of the most significant publications of the last five years of each Research Unit related to the proposal:


  1. “Investigation of the graphene thermal motion by rainbow scattering”, M Ćosić, M Hadžijojić, R Rymzhanov, S Petrović, S Bellucci, Carbon 145, 161-174 (2020)
  2. "Laser Nanostructuring for Diffraction Grating Based Surface Plasmon-Resonance Sensors", I Gnilitskyi, SV Mamykin, C Lanara, I Hevko, M Dusheyko, S Bellucci, E. Stratakis, Nanomaterials 11 (3), 591 (2021)
  3. "Surface roughness and electrical conductivity of the SnO2 ultra‐thin layers investigated by X‐ray reflectivity", S Asgharizadeh, M Lazemi, SM Rozati, M Sutton, S Bellucci, Surface and Interface Analysis 53 (1), 125-130 (2021)
  4. "Femtosecond Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on 2D Ti-Fe Multilayer Condensates", OV Kuznietsov, GD Tsibidis, AV Demchishin, AA Demchishin, V Babizhetskyy, I Saldan, S Bellucci, I Gnilitskyi,
    Nanomaterials 11 (2), 316 (2021)
  5. "Designing Cascades of Electron Transfer Processes in Multicomponent Graphene Conjugates", F Limosani, R Kaur, A Cataldo, S Bellucci, F Micciulla, R Zanoni, A Lembo, B Wang, R Pizzoferrato, DM Guldi, P Tagliatesta, Angewandte Chemie International Edition  59, 23706– 23715 (2020)
  6. "Resonant and Sensing Performance of Volume Waveguide Structures Based on Polymer Nanomaterials", T Smirnova, V Fitio, O Sakhno, P Yezhov, A Bendziak, V Hryn, S Bellucci, Nanomaterials 10 (11), 2114 (2020)
  7. "Phenomenon of Electromagnetic Field Resonance in Metal and Dielectric Gratings and Its Possible Practical Applications", S Bellucci, А Bendziak, O Vernyhor, VM Fitio, Condensed Matter 5 (3), 49 (2020)
  8. "Comparison of the Optical Planar Waveguide Sensors’ Characteristics Based on Guided-Mode Resonance", S Bellucci, V Fitio, I Yaremchuk, O Vernyhor, A Bendziak, Y Bobitski, Symmetry 12 (8), 1315 (2020)
  9. "Tight-binding model in the theory of disordered crystals", S Repetsky, I Vyshyvana, S Kruchinin, S Bellucci, Modern Physics Letters B 34 (19n20), 2040065 (2020)
  10. "Effect of impurities ordering in the electronic spectrum and conductivity of graphene", SP Repetsky, IG Vyshyvana, SP Kruchinin, B Vlahovic, S Bellucci, Physics Letters A 384 (19), 126401 (2020)
  11. "Behavior of the Energy Spectrum and Electric Conduction of Doped Graphene", S Bellucci, S Kruchinin, SP Repetsky, IG Vyshyvana, R Melnyk, Materials 13 (7), 1718 (2020)
  12. “The Casimir effect for fermionic currents in conical rings with applications to graphene ribbons”, S Bellucci, I Brevik, AA Saharian, HG Sargsyan,The European Physical Journal C 80, 1-22  (2020)
  13. “Influence of the ordering of impurities on the appearance of an energy gap and on the electrical conductance of graphene”, SP Repetsky, IG Vyshyvana, SP Kruchinin, S Bellucci, Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-7 (2018)
  14. “THz plasmonic resonances in hybrid reduced-graphene-oxide and graphene patterns for sensing applications”, D Mencarelli, Y Nishina, A Ishikawa, L Pierantoni, S Bellucci, Optical Data Processing and Storage 3 (1), 89-96, 2017
  15. “Bilayered graphene/h-BN with folded holes as new nanoelectronic materials: modeling of structures and electronic properties”, LA Chernozatonskii, VA Demin, S Bellucci, Scientific reports 6, 38029, 2016


  1. "Pump-Driven Normal-to-Excitonic Insulator Transition: Josephson Oscillations and Signatures of BEC-BCS Crossover in Time-Resolved ARPES", E. Perfetto, D. Sangalli, A. Marini and G. Stefanucci, Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 124601 (2019).
  2. “A monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide as a topological excitonic insulator”           D Varsano, M Palummo, E Molinari, M Rontani Nature Nanotechnology 15 (5),   367-372 (2020)
  3. “Theory and ab initio computation of the anisotropic light emission in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides” HY Chen, M Palummo, D Sangalli, M Bernardi Nano letters 18 (6), 3839-3843 (2018)
  4.  “Optical Conductivity of Two-Dimensional Silicon: Evidence of Dirac Electrodynamics”, C. Grazianetti et al., Nano Letters 18(11), pp. 7124-7132 (2018)
  5. “Honeycomb silicon on alumina: Massless Dirac fermions in silicene on substrate”  P. Gori, I. Kupchak, F. Bechstedt, D. Grassano, O. Pulci - Phys. Rev. B 100, 245413 (2019)
  6. "First-Principles Calculations of Exciton Radiative Lifetimes in Monolayer Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheets: Implications for Photocatalysis", Michele Re Fiorentin, Francesca Risplendi, Maurizia Palummo, and Giancarlo Cicero, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021
  7.  Spinorial formulation of the GW-BSE equations and spin properties of excitons in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Margherita Marsili,1 Alejandro Molina-S´anchez,2 Maurizia Palummo,3, 4 Davide Sangalli,5, 4 and Andrea Marini, Phys. Rev. B (2021) submitted


1) “Plasmon oscillations in two-dimensional arrays of ultranarrow graphene nanoribbons”,  Sindona, A.; Pisarra, M.; Bellucci, S.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: ‏ 100 Issue: ‏ 23 Article Number: 235422 Published: ‏ DEC 12 2019

2) “Interband pi-like plasmon in silicene grown on silver”, Sindona, A.; Cupolillo, A.; Alessandro, F.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: ‏ 97 Issue: ‏ 4 Article Number: 041401 Published: ‏ JAN 3 2018

3) “Calibration of the fine-structure constant of graphene by time-dependent density-functional theory”,: Sindona, A.; Pisarra, M.; Vacacela Gomez, C.; et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: ‏ 96 Issue: ‏ 20 Article Number: 201408 Published: ‏ NOV 17 2017

4) “Plasmon Modes of Graphene Nanoribbons with Periodic Planar Arrangements”, Gomez, C. Vacacela; Pisarra, M.; Gravina, M.; J. M. Pitarke; A. Sindona PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: ‏ 117 Issue: ‏ 11 Article Number: 116801 Published: ‏ SEP 7 2016

5) “Optimal Work Extraction and Thermodynamics of Quantum Measurements and Correlations”, Manzano, Gonzalo; Plastina, Francesco; Zambrini, Roberta PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: ‏ 121 Issue: ‏ 12 Article Number: 120602 Published: ‏ SEP 20 2018


  1. “GeVn complexes for silicon-based room-temperature single-atom nanoelectronics”,  S. Achilli, N. Manini, G. Onida, T. Shinada, T. Takashi, E. Prati, Scientific Reports,  8, 18054, (2018).
  2. “Defect calculations in semiconductors through a dielectric-dependent hybrid DFT functional: The case of oxygen vacancies in metal oxides”, M Gerosa, CE Bottani, L Caramella, G Onida, C Di Valentin, G Pacchioni, The Journal of chemical physics 143 (13), 134702 (2015).
  3. “Electronic States of Silicene Allotropes on Ag(111)”, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, S.Kr. Mahatha, P. Moras, L. Petaccia, G. Fratesi, G. Onida, and C. Carbone, ACS Nano 11, 975 (2017).
  4.  “Universal Quantum Magnetometry with Spin States at Equilibrium”, F.  Troiani, M. G. A. Paris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 260503 (2018).
  5.  “Critical Quantum Metrology with a Finite-Component Quantum Phase Transition”, L. Garbe, M. Bina, A. Keller, M. G. A. Paris, and S. Felicetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 120504 (2020)


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April 3-4, 2025

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