Il 31 Marzo 2022, il Direttivo ha approvato un Gender Equality Plan per l'INFN. Formulato seguendo le indicazioni della Commissione Europea, il piano incorpora gli elementi gia' richiesti dalla normativa italiana, ovvero:
- Relazione annuali del CUG / (Bilancio di Genere)
- Piano Triennale di Azioni Positive
- Piano delle Performance
- Relazione periodiche dello stato di attuazione del Piano delle Performance e del Piano triennale di Azioni Positive
Qui di seguito il link ai documenti:
- GEP 2022, deliberazione n. 16243 del 31/03/2022
- GEP 2022, fascicolo
- GEP 2022, copertina
- PTAP 2019- 2022, contenente le azioni del GEP
Gender Equality Plan 2019-2022
In compliance with national law, starting from 1999 INFN appoints an Equal Opportunity Committee and since 2002 implements Affirmative Action Plans (Piano Triennale di Azioni Positive, PTAP) designed and edited by this committee. The current Equal Opportunity Committee (Comitato Unico di Garanzia, CUG) has the task to propose actions to ensure gender equality, contrast job harassment and improve well-being at work. It analyses sex disaggregated data, produces annual reports to monitor the time evolution of gender gap, reviews procedures and practices to highlight gender inequalities and gender biases, proposes gender equality strategies and action plans. Its activity is reported on the web site
Furthermore, starting from 2003, INFN adopts a specific Code of Conduct to prevent job harassment. An external figure recruited by INFN, the Confidential Counselor (Consigliera di Fiducia), ensures the application of the INFN Code of Conduct.
The current INFN annual budget dedicated to equal opportunity actions includes the CUG budget (around 18kE), the fee of the Consigliera di Fiducia (around 21kE) and a budget to support professional training and awards for young women researchers (10kE). Additional financial support is given for training courses on gender equality and for a research mentoring program for women; to cover maternal leave periods of post-doctoral researchers; to finance an insurance for post-doctoral researchers and research fellows which covers all the expenses connected to pregnancy and childbirth; to contribute to the nursery school cost for children of INFN staff.
Analysis and planning
- Increase transparency in the decision-making processes and improve sharing of information
- Remove the apparently-neutral institutional practices having a negative impact on women-careers
- Promote excellence by supporting parity and diversity i
- Adopt gender and generational perspectives in research activity
- Improve people’s life quality by acting on human-resources management and working climate
The Action Plan acts on the following areas:
- Ensure basic components for structural changes
- Training and outreach
- Support maternity, ensuring parity and equal opportunity in recruitment and selection procedures, in nominations of decisional bodies, at every professional position and level
- Adapt human-resources management and working climate to the needs of people in their everyday life
Actions described in PTAP 2019- 2022
The PTAP objectives are included in the INFN Performance Plan (2020) through the following specific targets:
- Ensure equal success rate for women and men in recruitment and selection procedures (2021)
- Ensure (>25%) of the under-represented gender in scientific committees appointed by the executive board (2021)
Realized actions [2019-2022]
- Inclusion of babysitting expenses as benefits partially covered by INFN (2021)
- Young women’s awards instituted in theoretical physics (2021)
- Updating of the brochure “Handbook on parenthood” (“Guida alla genitorialità”) (2021)
- Review of the brochure “Unconscious Bias and Discrimination” whose compliance is mandatory for all members of recruitment and selection panels (2021)
- Panel discussion to prevent violence against women, open to all personnel (November 2020)
- Videos and posters to remember the fights for women rights (March 2021)
- Selection and distribution of movies having violence against women as the main subject (November 2021)
- Training courses on equal opportunity and parity in research (June 2020)
- Training courses to prevent discrimination and harassment (June 2021)
- Preparation and analysis of results of an online questionnaire open to all personnel to survey the work-related stress and the organizational well-being (2020-2022)
Monitoring steps
The process and the progress are regularly followed through and assessed in:
- Annual reports on gender gap and equal opportunity actions, edited by the CUG:
- Annual INFN reports on the status of the Performance Achievements.
Proposed actions in 2022
- Recruitment of the new “Consigliera di Fiducia” (April 2022)
- Prepare an Annual report on gender gap and equal opportunity actions (June 2022)
- Increase (≥30%) the under-represented gender in scientific committees appointed by the executive board (2022)
- Ensure equal success rate for women and men in all recruitment and selection procedures (2022)
- Increase the budget to support professional training and awards for young women student and researchers (2022)
31th March , 2022
Ulteriori approfondimenti:
Riferimenti europei:
e riferimenti li’ contenuti, ie.
In spite of national and EU-level strategies on gender equality, European research still suffers from a considerable loss and inefficient use of highly skilled women. The annual increase in female researchers is less than half the annual number of female PhD graduates and too few women are in leadership positions or involved in decision-making. In 2005 the Council set a goal for women to be in 25% of leading public sector research positions, but in 2009 only 13% of the heads of higher education institutions were women. The integration of a gender dimension into the design, evaluation and implementation of research is also still too limited.
The challenge is to improve on all these points to increase the quality and relevance of research. The Commission is already committed to ensure 40% of the under-represented sex in all its expert groups, panels and committees and will apply this particularly under Horizon 2020.
Member States are invited to:
• Create a legal and policy environment and provide incentives to:
– remove legal and other barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchers while fully complying with EU law on gender equality [See Directive 2006/54/EC]
– address gender imbalances in decision making processes
– strengthen the gender dimension in research programs
• Engage in partnerships with funding agencies, research organizations and universities to foster cultural and institutional change on gender - charters, performance agreements, awards
• Ensure that at least 40% of the under-represented sex participate in committees involved in recruitment/career progression and in establishing and evaluating research programs
Research stakeholder organizations are invited to:
• Implement institutional change relating to HR management, funding, decision-making and research programs through Gender Equality Plans which aim to:
– Conduct impact assessment / audits of procedures and practices to identify gender bias
– Implement innovative strategies to correct any bias
– Set targets and monitor progress via indicators
A Gender Equality Plan can be broken up in different steps or phases, each requiring specific types of interventions:
- An analysis phase, in which sex-disaggregated data is collected; procedures, processes and practices are critically assessed with a view to detect gender inequalities and gender bias;
- A planning phase, in which objectives are defined, targets are set, actions and measures to remedy the identified problems are decided, resources and responsibilities are attributed and timelines are agreed upon;
- An implementation phase, in which activities are implemented and outreach efforts are undertaken so as to gradually expand the network of stakeholders;
- A monitoring phase, in which the process and the progress are regularly followed through and assessed. Findings from the monitoring exercise(s) allow to adjust and to improve interventions, so that their results can be optimized.