WP3 Coordinators
The coordinators for the WP3 are: M. G. Bisogni and A. Vignati
WP3 Participants
The WP3 Participants are as listed in the following table:
Name | Unit | FTE | Name | Unit | FTE | Name | Unit | FTE |
Abujami M. | TO | 1 | D'oca M. C. | CT | 0.6 | Picollo F. | TO | 0.2 |
Amato E. | CT | 0.3 | Di Martino F. | PI | 0.1 | Romano F. | CT | 0.5 |
Apra' P. | TO | 0.3 | Franciosini G. | RM1 | 0.1 | Sportelli G. | PI | 0.1 |
Barlotta A. | CT | 0.6 | Italiano A. | CT | 0.2 | Tomarchio E. | CT | 0.6 |
Belcari N. | PI | 0.1 | Marafini M. | RM1 | 0.1 | Toppi M. | RM1 | 0.1 |
Bisogni M. G. | PI | 0.4 | Marrale M. | CT | 0.5 | Traini G. | RM1 | 0.1 |
Borghese R. F. | CT | 0.5 | Marti' Villareal O.A | TO | 1 | Trigilio A. | RM1 | 0.1 |
Catalano R. | LNS | 0.1 | Morrocchi M. | PI | 0.2 | Vignati A | TO | 1 |
Cirio R. | TO | 0.5 | Petringa G. | LNS | 0.1 |
Main Goals
The main goal of the WP3 is the development of methods and tools to characterise FLASH beams and to precisely measure radiation dose to assure reliable beam delivery to the patient. The first two WP3 tasks focus on the development and characterization of detector systems for Beam Monitoring and Dosimetry. These are functional to the last task: the delivery of guidelines for reference dosimetry and beams characterisation.
Task 1 - Development and test of new Beam Monitoring systems
The online control of FLASH beams delivery will be addressed with the innovative approach of air fluorescence by Roma1 and with the promising, never used in clinical settings so far, Integrating Current Transformers developed by LNS. The performances of thin silicon and diamond detectors, properly optimized by TO to stand the FLASH requirements, and “Free-standing membranes” SiC detectors (developed by STLab) available in-kind and characterized by CT, will be compared.
Task 2 - Development and test of new dosimetric systems
Different approaches will be pursued to perform the FLASH dosimetry of electron and proton/ion beams. CT will develop a dose rate independent portable calorimeter for electron and proton beams absolute dosimetry. Scintillator based detectors will be studied at PI for both absolute and relative dosimetry of electron beams SiC detectors available in-kind from the CSN5 PRAGUE project will be tested as relative dosimeters with protons/ions by LNS .
Task 3 - Intercomparisons, calibrations and guidelines
The beams developed within the project will be characterised with available in-kind BM systems (dual gap chamber, SEM, FC) and with dose rate independent reference dosimeters (FC, alanine, RCF). Campaigns of intercomparisons and calibrations of the developed BMs and dosimeters will be carried out at the beam facilities available within the project and at collaborating institutions. Finally, guidelines and recommendations for monitoring and dosimetry of FLASH beams will be prepared.
WP3 Deliverables
The WP3 Deliverables are summarized in the following table:
Deliv. | Short Name | Description | When (M) | Deliv. | Short Name | Description | When (M) |
D3.1.1 | Air fluorescence | Design, realization and test of air monitoring based detector for electrons. | 16 | D3.2.3 | SiC Dosimeters | SiC detectors optimization and test for relative dosimetry with proton/electron beams. | 16 |
D3.1.2 | ICB | Design, realization and test of an ICT specifically tailored for intense and short proton/ion beams. | 16 | M3.2 | Dosimeters R&D end | Production and test of the first dosimeter prototypes. | 16 |
D3.1.3 | Silicon and Diamond | Tests of silicon/diamond prototypes with proton and electron beams. | 16 | D3.3.1 | Beam characterization | Dosimetric characterization of the beams with available BM systems (dual gap chamber, SEM, FC) and reference dosimeters (Faraday cup, alanine, RCF, IC). | 24 |
D3.1.4 | SiC | "Free standing Membrane" SiC detectors tests with electrons/protons for beam monitoring. | 16 | D3.3.2 | Intercomparisons | Intercomparisons and calibrations of the developed BMs and dosimeters. | 32 |
M3.1 | BM R&D end | Production and test of the first BM prototypes. | 16 | D3.3.3 | Guidelines | Guidelines and recommendations for the monitoring and dosimetry of FLASH beams (what have we learnt so far). | 36 |
D3.2.1 | Calorimeter | Portable calorimeter prototype development and characterization with electrons/protons. | 16 | M3.3 | Prototype commissioning | BM and Dosimetric systems prototypes commissioning. | 36 |
D3.2.2 | Scintillators | Development and test of scintillator-based dosimeters with RO electronics. | 16 |