Work Packages

The FRIDA project is organized in four different Work Packages, structured in such a way as to allow the realization of the project objectives, coordinating the various research activities that will be carried out in parallel and which are largely interdependent. Each work package has two coordinators, who will be able to specifically follow the various lines of research within the single work package and has specific milestones and deliverables. Each workpackage has a dedicated page, which details its timeline, milestones and deliverables together with all the documentation and information of specific interest.


WP1 is dedicated to the experimental study and modeling of the FLASH effect. The coordinators of WP1 are respectively G. Forte, in the context of the experimental characterization of the flash effect with in vitro and ex-vivo studies, and E. Scifoni as regards the modeling of the FLASH effect on the basis of experimental evidence and using tools MonteCarlo simulation tools capable of exploring the time scale (µs) related to the FLASH effect.

WP1: materials, documents and links


WP2 is dedicated to research in the field of electron and proton acceleration techniques capable of providing beams with FLASH characteristics that are compatible with an implementation in therapy centers. The coordinators are respectively G. P. Cirrone, in the field of proton acceleration techniques and A. Mostacci who coordinates the research activity relating to electrons.

WP2: materials, documents and links


WP3 is dedicated to the study of the new dosimetry and beam monitoring techniques necessary to characterize the FLASH effect with high precision and allow its implementation in therapy centers in the future. The coordinators are respectively M. G. Bisogni, as regards dosimetry activities, and A. Vignati, as regards the study of beam monitoring.

WP3: materials, documents and links


WP4 is dedicated to assessing the impact of therapy delivered in FLASH mode in relation to conventional therapies currently adopted in treatment centers. The coordinators of WP4 are respectively A. Schiavi, as regards the simulation of the FLASH effect in terms of absorbed dose and evaluation of the sparing of healthy tissues including the dose rate and M. Schwarz who coordinates the evaluation of the expected efficacy for the FLASH therapy comparing it with the state of the art in external beam radiotherapy for the treatment of lung and pancreatic tumors and in the case of "head and neck" treatments with diffuse metastases.

WP4: materials, documents and links