GEMPIX in Hadrontherapy

We built a prototype of new 3D gas dosimeter for hadrotherapy dose checking. It is based on GEMPIX detector which allows to obtain a sub-millimiter resolution with an on line control of data acquisition. We show here the first results obtained that are presented at the ICTR-PHE 2016 Conference in Geneve.

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 gempix sheme  

This innovative gas detector has been designed in the ARDENT framework within a collaboration between CERN and INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati.

It is a triple GEM detector read be a 4 naked Timepixes (no silicon sensor):

 phantom sheme  

The GEMPix detector was inserted in a Plexiglas box and attached to a 3D stage system inside a water phantom.

The Gempix was moved along the beam to measure the ionization produce inside the chamber.

40 positions were foreseen for the total longitudinal profile; thirty images with 50 micron resolution was taked for each point.


 gempix4cnaogempix inside phantom   Two pictures of the GEMPix detector and the installation inside the water phantom
 BraggCurvePFrun0012 0.55s    The Bragg Peak measured by the GEMPix and compared with fluka  simulation
 gempix 2D images  

Here three images of the beam in three different positions of the detector:


Here the 3D reconstruction of the carbon beam inside the water phantom