Supported activities and key aspects:


    • Particle detectors 
    • Particle accelerators
    • Electronics and software development
    • Interdisciplinary applications of INFN cutting-edge techniques
      1. Medical 
      2. Energy
      3. Environment
      4. Cultural heritage

Ricerca professionisti per progetto IPA large


  • Training for young researchers in electronics, sensors, accelerators and software development. 
  • Technology transfer, scientific collaboration with industries and other organizations and partecipation to qualify and consolidate highly technological products, helping to develop their market.


INFN Workshop on Electronics for physics experiments and applications @INFN (5-7 March 2025)


IFD2025: INFN Workshop on Future Detectors March 17th-19th 2025, Sestri Levante (Genova)


IV Giornata Acceleratori, April 3rd-4th 2025, LNL (Legnaro-Padova)


International Workshop on future research program with the high power cyclotron of SPES-LNL May 12th-13th 2025, LNL (Legnaro-Padova)


Nov. 2024: pubblicazione delibera di approvazione graduatoria del bando grant (link)


July 2024: i termini di scadenza del bando grant giovani sono stati prorogati al 2 agosto


May 2024: The CSN5 announcement for 6 Grants for young researchers has been published

Italian and English versions- On-line application form

Template of proposal grant for young researchers


April 2024: the INFN CSN5 Call proposal has been published (SCADENZA 3 giugno 2024)


Call template


Standard experiment template


May, 19-21 2025



Login Form

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