INFN Workshop on Electronics for physics experiments and applications @INFN (5-7 March 2025)


IFD2025: INFN Workshop on Future Detectors March 17th-19th 2025, Sestri Levante (Genova)


IV Giornata Acceleratori, April 3rd-4th 2025, LNL (Legnaro-Padova)


International Workshop on future research program with the high power cyclotron of SPES-LNL May 12th-13th 2025, LNL (Legnaro-Padova)


Nov. 2024: pubblicazione delibera di approvazione graduatoria del bando grant (link)


July 2024: i termini di scadenza del bando grant giovani sono stati prorogati al 2 agosto


May 2024: The CSN5 announcement for 6 Grants for young researchers has been published

Italian and English versions- On-line application form

Template of proposal grant for young researchers


April 2024: the INFN CSN5 Call proposal has been published (SCADENZA 3 giugno 2024)


Call template


Standard experiment template


May, 19-21 2025



Login Form

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