
Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe



Scientific activities of the various Research Units

The research activity carried on within InDark rests on four pillars: Inflation and the primordial Universe, Dark Matter (DM) and light relics, Dark Energy (DE) and Modified Gravity (MG), Cosmological observations as a probe of new physics
This activity is carried on, collaboratively, by nine INFN research units (RUs) with strong, complementary expertise on the above topics.
The RUs and their respective roles are:
Data analysis, scientific interpretation and forecasts of CMB and LSS data (including cross-correlation) for inflation and GWs, DE and MG. 
DM and light relics, including neutrinos. CMB physics. CMB anomalies and inflationary models. Parity-violating models. Analysis and interpretation of CMB and LSS data, likelihood methods and statistical estimators. MG/DE models.
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Large distance modification of gravity, effective field theory description of the dark sector, non gaussianità.
Inflationary predictions, primordial NG, GWs and Cosmology (SGWB). Forecasts for DE/MG. LSS modelling and non-linear evolution of perturbations. Implementation of statistical tools to measure primordial NG from various data-sets. CMB physics.
Analytical approaches to galaxy clustering. Resummation methods. Numerical codes for the clustering of biased tracers. DM/DE models beyond LCDM.
Roma Tor Vergata
Synergy of cosmological datasets (CMB, LSS and CMB/LSS cross-correlation, galaxy clusters). Data analysis techniques and statistical estimators.   
Analysis of LSS data. Statistical estimators for clustering. Reconstruction techniques to reverse time evolution back to the linear regime.
Analytical, statistical, and numerical investigation of LSS in galaxy redshift surveys and clusters of galaxies. Galaxy formation and evolution in GR and MG. 
CMB & LSS Data Analysis, B-mode reconstruction from multi-frequency observations, LSS Simulations & Tracers, CMB-LSS correlations, implications for Early Universe, DE/MG, Neutrino Physics. 




Map of INFN facilities

Next meeting

January 14, 2025

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