
Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe




  • Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2015 results. XX. Constraints on inflation”, A&A 594, A20 (2016).
  • Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2015 results. XIX. Constraints on primordial magnetic fields”, A&A 594, A19 (2016).
  • CORE collaboration: F. Finelli et al. “Exploring Cosmic Origins: Inflation”, JCAP 04 (2018) 016
  • F. Bellagamba, M. Roncarelli, M. Maturi, L. Moscardini, “AMICO: optimized detection of galaxy clusters in photometric surveys”, MNRAS 473 (2018) 5221
  • M. Ballardini, F. Finelli, C. Fedeli, L. Moscardini, “Probing primordial features with future galaxy surveys”, JCAP 10 (2016) 041.
  • M. Gerbino and M. Lattanzi, “Status of neutrino properties and future prospects - Cosmological and astrophysical constraints”, Front. in Phys. 5, 70 (2018)
  • F. Forastieri, M. Lattanzi and P. Natoli, “Cosmological constraints on neutrino self-interactions with a light mediator”, Phys. Rev. D 100, no.10, 103526 (2019)
  • A. Gruppuso, M. Gerbino, P. Natoli, L. Pagano, N. Mandolesi, A. Melchiorri and D. Molinari, “Constraints on cosmological birefringence from Planck and Bicep2/Keck data”, JCAP 06, 001 (2016)
  • Gruppuso, N. Kitazawa, M. Lattanzi, N. Mandolesi, P. Natoli and A. Sagnotti, “The Evens and Odds of CMB Anomalies”, Phys. Dark Univ. 20, 49-64 (2018)
  • G. Ballesteros, D. Comelli and L. Pilo, “Massive and modified gravity as self-gravitating media” Phys. Rev. D 94 no.12, 124023 (2016).
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
  • M. Celoria, D. Comelli, L. Pilo and R. Rollo, “Adiabatic Media Inflation”, JCAP 12, 018 (2019).
  • M. Celoria, D. Comelli and L. Pilo, “Sixth mode in massive gravity” Phys. Rev. D 98 no.6, 064016 (2018).
  • M. Celoria, D. Comelli and L. Pilo, “Fluids, Superfluids and Supersolids: Dynamics and Cosmology of Self Gravitating Media” JCAP 09 (2017), 036.
  • G. Ballesteros, D. Comelli and L. Pilo, “Massive and modified gravity as self-gravitating media” Phys. Rev. D 94 no.12, 124023 (2016).
  • D. Comelli, M. Crisostomi, K. Koyama, L. Pilo and G. Tasinato, “Cosmology of bigravity with doubly coupled matter”, JCAP 04 (2015), 026
  • Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2015 results. XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity”, Astron.Astrophys. 594, A17, (2016)
  • N. Bartolo, C. Caprini, V. Domcke, D. G. Figueroa, J. Garcia-Bellido, M. C. Guzzetti, M. Liguori, S. Matarrese, M. Peloso, A. Petiteau,A. Ricciardone, M. Sakellariadou, L. Sorbo, G. Tasinato, “Science with the space-based interferometer LISA. IV: Probing inflation with gravitational waves”, JCAP 12, 026 (2016)
  • D. Karagiannis, A. Lazanu, M. Liguori, A. Raccanelli, N. Bartolo, L. Verde, “Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with bispectrum and power spectrum from upcoming optical and radio surveys”, MNRAS 478 1, 1341 (2018)
  • N. Bartolo, D. Bertacca, S. Matarrese, M. Peloso, A. Ricciardone, A. Riotto, G. Tasinato, “Anisotropies and non-Gaussianity of the Cosmological Gravitational Wave Background”, Phys.Rev.D 100, 12 (2019)
  • D. Bertacca, A. Ricciardone, N. Bellomo, Alexander C. Jenkins, S. Matarrese, A. Raccanelli, T. Regimbau, M. Sakellariadou “Projection effects on the observed angular spectrum of the astrophysical stochastic gravitational wave background”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 10, 103513 (2020)
  • M. Marinucci, T. Nishimichi and M. Pietroni, “Measuring Bias via the Consistency Relations of the Large Scale Structure”, Phys. Rev. D 100, no.12, 123537 (2019).
  • M. Peloso, M. Pietroni, M. Viel and F. Villaescusa-Navarro, “The effect of massive neutrinos on the BAO peak” JCAP 07, 001 (2015).
  • E. Noda, M. Peloso and M. Pietroni, “Extracting the BAO scale from BOSS DR12 dataset”
Phys. Dark Univ. 29, 100579 (2020).
  • G. D'Amico, J. Gleyzes, N. Kokron, D. Markovic, L. Senatore, P. Zhang, F. Beutler and H. Gil-Marín, “The Cosmological Analysis of the SDSS/BOSS data from the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure”, JCAP 05 (2020), 005
  • G. D'Amico, P. Panci and A. Strumia, “Bounds on Dark Matter annihilations from 21 cm data”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) no.1, 011103
  • Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2018 results. V. CMB power spectra and likelihoods”, accepted for publication in A&A, (2020)
  • Luković, V. V.; Haridasu, B. S.; Vittorio, N.; “Exploring the evidence for a large local void with supernovae Ia data”, MNRAS, Volume 491, Issue 2, p.  2075-2087 (2020)
  • Kozmanyan, A.;  Bourdin, H.;  Mazzotta, P.;  Rasia, E.; Sereno, M.; “Deriving the Hubble constant using Planck and XMM-Newton observations of galaxy clusters”, A&A 621, A34 (2019)
  • Haridasu, B. S.; Luković, V. V.; Moresco, M.; Vittorio, N.; “An improved model-independent assessment of the late-time cosmic expansion”, JCAP, Issue 10, article id. 015 (2018).
  • Bourdin, H.; Mazzotta, P.; Kozmanyan, A.; Jones, C.; Vikhlinin, A.; “Pressure Profiles of Distant Galaxy Clusters in the Planck Catalogue”, ApJ, 843, 72 (2017)
  • Feix M., Nusser A., Branchini E., “Growth Rate of Cosmological Perturbations at z∼0.1 from a New Observational Test” Phis. Rev. Lett., 115, 011301 (2015).
  • Veropalumbo A., Marulli F., Moscardini L., Moresco M., Cimatti A., “Measuring the distance-redshift relation with the baryon acoustic oscillations of galaxy clusters”, MNRAS, 458, 1909 (2016).
  • Branchini E., et al., “Cross-correlating the γ-ray Sky with Catalogs of Galaxy Clusters”, ApJS, 228, 8 (2017).
  • Nicastro F., Kaastra, J., Krongold, S., Borgani, S., Branchini, E., et al., “Observations of the missing baryons in the warm-hot intergalactic medium”, Nature, 558, 406 (2018).
  • Sarpa E., Schimd C., Branchini E., Matarrese S., “BAO reconstruction: a swift numerical action method for massive spectroscopic surveys”, MNRAS, 484, 3818 (2019).
  • L. Amendola et al., “Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid satellite”, Living Rev. Rel. 21, 2 (2018).
  • C. De Boni, A. L. Serra, A. Diaferio, C. Giocoli and M. Baldi, “The Mass Accretion Rate of Galaxy Clusters: A Measurable Quantity”, ApJ, 818, 188 (2016).
  • S. Camera, M. G. Santos and R. Maartens, “Probing primordial non-Gaussianity with SKA galaxy redshift surveys: a fully relativistic analysis”, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 448 no.2, 1035-1043 (2015).
  • H. S. Hwang, M. J. Geller, C. Park, D. G. Fabricant, M. J. Kurtz, K. J. Rines, J. Kim, A. Diaferio, H. J. Zahid, P. Berlind, M. Calkins, S. Tokarz and S. Moran, “HectoMAP and Horizon Run 4: Dense Structures and Voids in the Real and Simulated Universe”, Astrophys. J. 818 no.2, 173 (2016).
  • J. Sohn, M. J. Geller, K. J. Rines, H. S. Hwang, Y. Utsumi and A. Diaferio, “The HectoMAP Cluster Survey - I. redMaPPer Clusters”, Astrophys. J. 856 no.2, 172 (2018).
  • Murgia, R., Scelfo, G., Viel, M., & Raccanelli, A., "Lyman-alpha Forest Constraints on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter", Phys. Rev. Lett, 123, 071102 (2019).
  • Pizzuti, L., Sartoris, B., Borgani, S., & Biviano, A., "Calibration of systematics in constraining modified gravity models with galaxy cluster mass profiles", JCAP 04 (2020), 024.
  • Sartoris, B., Biviano, A., Fedeli, C., Bartlett, J. G., Borgani, S., Costanzi, M., Giocoli, C., Moscardini, L., Weller, J., Ascaso, B., Bardelli, S., Maurogordato, S., & Viana, P. T. P., "Next generation cosmology: constraints from the Euclid galaxy cluster survey", MNRAS, 459, 1764 (2016).
  • Campeti, P., Poletti, D., & Baccigalupi, C., "Principal component analysis of the primordial tensor power spectrum", JCAP 09 (2019), 055.
  • Aguilar Faúndez, M., Arnold, K., Baccigalupi, C., Barron, D., Beck, D., Bianchini, F., Boettger, D., Borrill, J., Carron, J., Cheung, K., Chinone, Y., El Bouhargani, H., Elleflot, T., Errard, J., Fabbian, G., Feng, C., Galitzki, N., Goeckner-Wald, N., Hasegawa, M., Hazumi, M., Howe, L., Kaneko, D., Katayama, N., Keating, B., Krachmalnicoff, N., Kusaka, A., Lee, A. T., Leon, D., Linder, E., Lowry, L. N., Matsuda, F., Minami, Y., Navaroli, M., Nishino, H., Pham, A. T. P., Poletti, D., Puglisi, G., Reichardt, C. L., Sherwin, B. D., Silva-Feaver, M., Stompor, R., Suzuki, A., Tajima, O., Takakura, S., Takatori, S., Teply, G. P., Tsai, C., Vergès, C., & The Polarbear Collaboration, "Cross-correlation of CMB Polarization Lensing with High-z Submillimeter Herschel-ATLAS Galaxies", ApJ, 886, 38 (2019).


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