● INFN Section Cagliari
M.Cadoni, A.M.Frassino, and M.Tuveri.“On the universality of thermodynamics and η/s ratio for the charged Lovelock black branes”, JHEP05, 101 (2016),
S.Meljanac, S.Mignemi ,J.Trampetic and J.You,“Nonassociative Snyder quantum field theory"” Phys. Rev. D96, 045021 (2017).
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M.Tuveri and M.Cadoni,“Galactic dynamics and long-range quantum gravity”,Phys. Rev. D100, 024029 (2019).
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A. Iorio, B. Ivetic, S. Mignemi, P. Pais,, "The three layers of graphene monolayer and their generalized uncertainty principles", Phys. Rev.D106 116011 (2022) .
M. Cadoni, M. De Laurentis, I. De Martino, R. Della Monica, M. Oi, A.P. Sanna, "Are nonsingular black holes with super-Planckian hair ruled out by S2 star data?" Phys.Rev.D 107 4, 044038 (2023).
● INFN Section Napoli
G. Amelino-Camelia, L. Barcaroli, G. D’Amico, N. Loret, G. Rosati, “Icecube and GRB neutrinos propagating in quantum spacetime”, Physics Letters B 761 (2016) 318.
G. Amelino-Camelia, G. D’Amico, G. Rosati, N. Loret, “In-vacuo dispersion features for gamma-ray burst neutrinos and photons”, Nature Astronomy 1 (2017) 0139.
G. Amelino-Camelia, G. Calcagni, M. Ronco, “Imprint of quantum gravity in the dimension and fabric of spacetime”, Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 630
M. Arzano, L.T. Consoli, “Signal propagation on kappa-minkowski spacetime and nonlocal two-point functions”, Physical Review D98 (2018) 106018.
F. Mercati, M. Sergola, “Pauli-Jordan function and scalar field quantizazion in kappa- Minkowski noncommutative spacetime”, Physical Review D98 (2018) 045017.
M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman, W. Wislicki, "A bound on Planck-scale deformations of CPT from muon lifetime", Phys.Lett.B 794 (2019), 41-44.
G. Amelino-Camelia, S. Bianco, G. Rosati, "Planck-Scale-Deformed Relativistic Symmetries and Diffeomorphisms on Momentum Space", Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 2, 026018.
A. Ballesteros, G. Gubitosi, I. Gutierrez-Sagredo, F. Mercati, "Fuzzy worldlines with κ-Poincaré symmetries", JHEP 12 (2021), 080.
M. Arzano, J. Kowalski-Glikman, "Quantum particles in noncommutative spacetime: An identity crisis", Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 6, 065001.
G. Amelino-Camelia, M. G.Di Luca, G. Gubitosi, G. Rosati, G. D'Amico, "Could quantum gravity slow down neutrinos?", Nature Astron. 7 (2023) 8, 996-1001.
● INFN Section Trieste
A.Belenchia, D.M.T.Benincasa, S.Liberati, F.Marin, F.Marino and A.Ortolan, “Testing Quantum Gravity Induced Nonlocality via Optomechanical Quantum Oscillators”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 161303, (2016).
E. Alesci, G. Botta, F. Cianfrani, S. Liberati. "Cosmological singularity resolution from quantum gravity: the emergent-bouncing universe", Phys.Rev.D 96, 046008, (2017)
M. Letizia and S. Liberati, "Deformed relativity symmetries and the local structure of spacetime", Phys. Rev. D 95, 046007, (2017).
R.Carballo-Rubio, F.Di Filippo, S.Liberati and M.Visser,”Phenomenological aspects of black holes beyond general relativity”, Phys. Rev. D 98, 124009 (2018).
R.Carballo-Rubio, F.Di Filippo, S.Liberati, C.Pacilio and M.Visser, "On the viability of regular black holes", JHEP 07, 023, (2018).
J.J. Relancio, S. Liberati, "Phenomenological consequences of a geometry in the cotangent bundle", Phys.Rev.D 101, 6, 064062 (2020) .
A. Fabbri, R. Balbinot, "Ramp-up of Hawking Radiation in Bose-Einstein-Condensate Analog Black Holes", Phys.Rev.Lett. 126 11, 111301 (2021).
R. Carballo-Rubio, F. Di Filippo, S Liberati, M. Visser, "Constraints on horizonless objects after the EHT observation of Sagittarius A*", JCAP 08, 055 (2022).