A first principle approach to phenomenology with Lattice QCD


Our group collaborates actively to the Extended Twisted Mass collaboration simulation program.


Thanks to the advances achieved in the last fifteen years in this field, we are in a position to perform, unquenched simulations with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical flavors with pions of physical mass, and several lattice spacing to carefully extrapolate calculations to the continuum limit.

The most relevant results obtained by our group in this activity include the determination of quark masses, the calculation of hadronic parameters involved in the determination of the Cabibbo angle and other elements of the CKM matrix.

Combined determination of Vus and Vud (inset: zoom near the intersection)

Our group has pioneered the inclusion of QED and isospin breaking effects in Lattice QCD calculations, developing a perturbative expansion in powers of αem and δm=md-mu in which all QCD effects are retained in a non perturbative way - the RM123 approach.


Charged-neutral meson mass difference


Current research activity

Several axis of research, of great phenomenological importance are currently under active investigation, including:

  • Muon anomalous magnetic moment
  • Radiative decays and QED corrections to amplitude
  • Inclusive decays of meson via reconstruction of spectral density
  • Topological properties of the vacuum and phenomenology of the axion


Map of INFN facilities

Next meeting

April 3-4, 2025

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