A first principle approach to phenomenology with Lattice QCD






The ROMA TRE section of INFN is expected to open a postdoc position in the late fall 2022, to be carried out on the main lines of research of the LQCD123 project.
The position is part of a larger call for 16 postdoc positions, on different theoretical physics topics,at severall branches of the institute. The interested candidates can apply to a maximum of 2 of the 16 positions. The official call announcement can be downloaded here.
The appointment is for 1+1 year, to begin no late than November 1st 2022.
Job position and Salary
The job position will be covered as an Assegno di Ricerca Senior (AdR).
Net salary per year is approximately 27.6k€ + 5k€ relocation incentive under the conditions detailed in the call.
Eligible candidates

• Non-Italian citizens, or  
• Italian  citizens  who,  at  the  submission  deadline,  hold  a  position  in  a  foreign  institution  and  have  been
continuously abroad for at least three years.

To apply (deadline: November 9th, 2021 (11:59 a.m. CET))

The interested candidate should use THIS LINK to apply (to find the position, please type the call ID: 23590)

The following details must be included in the application:

- CV
- publication list
- 3 reference letters, to be uploaded from specified contacts no later than November 12 th, 2021 (11:59 a.m. CET).

Informal contacts

Please write to Francesco Sanfilippo (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) for informal queries.


Map of INFN facilities

Next meeting

September, 26-27 2024

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