Physics validation from Physics Analysis Groups (PAGs)
The Responsible for Physics validation from PAGs works within the PPD/PdmV (Physics Data and Monte Carlo Validation) group of CMS with the following charge:
- Coordinate and assist the PAG validation experts in order to provide the timely delivery of physics validation of new offline reconstruction software releases, before they are put in production.
- Establish communication lines and exchange of informations useful for validation, both orizontally (among PAGs contacts) and vertically (with Physics Object Groups - POGs and Detector Performance Groups - DPGs)
- Promote the use of central software tools in validation procedures
- Scout for new experts to devote to PAGs validation
- Invite PAG contacts to make reports in the joint Data Quality Monitoring (DQM)-PdmV meeting on the status of validation within their PAG
- Coordinate the developments of new projects within physics validation. In particular Francesco Fabozzi is responsible for bringing the Event Interpretation used in physics analyses within validation