Draft work programmes 2014-2015
These papers are being made public just before the adoption process of the work programmes to provide potential participants with the currently expected main lines of the work programmes 2014-2015. They are working documents not yet endorsed by the Commission and their contents does not in any way prejudge the final decision of the Commission.
All sections are shown below with those work programmes which are already available identified by the Acrobat PDF logo () and file size; the remainder of the draft work programmes will be added as soon as they become available.
Excellent science
- Future and Emerging Technologies
840 KB
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
650 KB
- European research infrastructures (including eInfrastructures)
391 KB
Industrial leadership
- Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
Introduction to LEITs
- Information and communication technologies
1.1 MB
- Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Advanced manufacturing and processing, Biotechnology
- Space
1.7 MB
- Access to risk finance
135 KB
- Innovation in SMEs
Societal challenges
- Health, demographic change and wellbeing
1.3 MB
Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy
1.2 MB
- Secure, clean and efficient energy
613 KB
- Smart, green and integrated transport
531 KB
- Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
1.2 MB
- Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies
- Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
Spreading excellence and widening participation
- Spreading excellence and widening participation
Science with and for society
- Science with and for society
913 KB
Communication and Dissemination
- Communication and Dissemination
Work Programme - European Research Council 747 KB
Work Programme - Euratom