Our group is responsible of the Detector Control System for the RPC detector. This project is aimed to control and monitor 24/7 all the auxiliar systems (e.g. power supplyes,e nviromental sensors, gas distribution, cooling, etc. ) involved in the detector operation during all the CMS lifetime.
The RPC system performance is monitored by RPC Data Quality Monitor (DQM), based on the CMS Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) framework and running on the High-Level Trigger Farm as well as on local DAQ systems.
The purpose of the RPC DQM is to follow the time evolution of relevant quantities describing the running conditions of the detector and its performance. The aim is to spot possible problems or system instabilities, and promptly correct for them during the data-taking, and to monitor all the high-level quantities that are needed by the offline reconstruction.
Our group contributed to the developments of software tools for CMS analysis. We developed components of the framework, the initial format of physics objects to be stored in CMS events for data analysis (AOD) and we designed the core of CMS software layer for the analysis tools.
Naples group has the responsibility to coordinate the software developments for the conditions database of the CMS experiment, i.e. the database who holds all the calibrations of the various subsystem and the working condition of them and needed offline for the reconstruction. We are also involved in the development of central tools to populate the condition database. A sketch of the CMS condition database architecture is pictured above.