The "Claudio Villi" Prize for the best doctoral thesis in nuclear physics discussed in the period from 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 was awarded equally to the following two theses:
Dr. Eugenia Naselli for a thesis titled "Experimental study of Electron Cyclotron Resonance plasmas by a multi-diagnostics system in stationary vs. turbulent regimes: perspectives to in-plasma β-decay investigations of nuclear and astrophysical interest" discussed at the University of Catania
Dr. Giorgia Pasqualato for a thesis titled "Lifetime measurements in 105Sn: the puzzle of B(E2) strengths in Sn isotopes" discussed at the University of Padua.
The award ceremony took place during the CSN3 meeting of 22 April 2022 held at the Frascati National Laboratories and was chaired by Dr. D. Bettoni, member of the INFN Executive Board, and by the President of CSN3 dott. R. Nania.
A special mention was given to Dr. Simone Amaducci for a thesis entitled "Accurate measurement of the 235U(n,f) cross section at n_TOF between thermal energy and 170 keV, relative to 6Li (n,t) and 10B (n,α)" discussed at the University of Catania.