More details can be found at the event website:
Course 7 - Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy
Global Challenges for Energy Sustainability
17 - 22 July 2023 - Villa Monastero - Varenna, Lake Como, Italy
Luisa Cifarelli - Università di Bologna (Italy)
Francesco Romanelli - Università di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)
The main purpose of the School on Energy, jointly organised by the European and Italian Physical Societies, is to address how innovation in the energy sector and integration of different technologies can contribute to this goal.
DEADLINE for application: 10 May 2023
More details can be found at the event website:
The symposium will address experimental and theoretical investigations of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter. Such investigations include efforts in nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and heavy-ion collisions, as well as in astrophysical observations of compact stars and associated phenomena (neutron stars and core collapse supernovae, among others). Significant implications of gravitational wave signals, soft X-rays, astro-particle physics and neutrino observations will be discussed.
The event is organized and supported by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Catania and Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, and by the Physics and Astronomy Department "E. Majorana" of the University of Catania.
Students and postdocs are especially encouraged to participate and contribute to the scientific sessions of the symposium.
Regsitration, with the possibility of submitting abstracts for oral or poster presentations, is already open and will close on June 30, 2022
More details can be found at the event website:
The Seminar offers lectures to Ph.D. students, medical physicists and young researchers working at Universities or Research Institutes.
This event is organized by INFN, University of Sassari and by the SNAKE (Sharing Software Knowledge) non-profit organisation.
This year the school will host a cycle of seminars on particle detectors, a course on machine learning fundamentals and application in physics and a course on Python programming language.
More details can be found at the event website:
Il quinto incontro Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare è una iniziativa promossa da ricercatori INFN e universitari con l'obiettivo di creare un'occasione di confronto per la comunità italiana di fisici, teorici e sperimentali, attivi nel campo della fisica nucleare.
L'evento, patrocinato dalle Commissioni Scientifiche Nazionali 3, 4 e 5, è organizzato in sessioni plenarie, nel corso delle quali saranno esaminate e discusse problematiche relative a diversi ambiti della fisica adronica e nucleare.
Le sessioni prevedono sia relazioni su invito che presentazioni d parte di giovani ricercatori.
Maggiori informazioni ed il modulo di registrazione sono disponibili al link:
The Focus Area 1 (FA1) of the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (IReNA) is concerned with the determination of nuclear reaction rates of critical astrophysical importance in the laboratory using a broad range of experimental approaches.
FA1 is organizing the first topical meeting jointly between IReNA and the European network activity ChETEC-INFRA. It will take place April 5-8, 2022 at the Rome Global Gateway of the University of Notre Dame located in the center of Rome, IT.
The intention of this topical workshop is to collect information, discover possible synergies and synchronize future activities at different underground laboratories in Europe and the United States.
For more details and for registering please visit the meeting website: