The INTRANS (Instrumentation and Training for Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reaction Dynamics) subtask takes the challenge of providing an expertise on an optimal employment of experimental setups in EURO-LABS for nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear reactions communities. Large research collaborations in those two fields are investing huge efforts and resources in developing new instrumentation (such as, e.g., the AGATA detector array, to name the most challenging one), experimental methods and techniques for front-line research at the different research centres and universities across the world. Most of these techniques are of common interest and the exchange of information as well as the pooling and maintaining of resources will be of great benefit to the whole research community and will lead to enhanced quality and scientific outputs of the experimental programs at the various research facilities.
Facilitate and Promote
- Pooling and sharing of gamma-ray detectors and associated instrumentation
- Coordination between hosting Research Infrastructures
- In-house maintenance & repair of shared resources
- Training schools and hands-on workshops for young researchers as well as more experienced scientists and engineers
- Sharing of technological expertise
- INTRANS Germanium detector school hosted at the University of Liverpool (UK), 7th – 11th April 2025
InTraNS – Germanium detector school Flyer
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/intrans-germanium-detector-school-tickets-1223205964969 - Decay Spectroscopy at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) at RIKEN, 27-28 March 2025
More information here - AGATA Analysis Workshop 2025 (13th-17th of January 2025, at IP2I in Lyon, France).
More information here
Event link - InTraNS Florence Training Workshop on Coulomb Excitation (27-30 January 2025, Florence, Italy)
More information here
- InTraNS Gamma Detectors Hands-on Training on operation, test and repair of Hyper Pure Ge Detectors: September 2-6 2024, at LNL-INFN (Italy) More information here
- INTRANS 2024 workshop: January 22-25 2024, at IJCLab (FR) More information here
Visit the workshop website: Link
- The next AGATA Analysis workshop will be held at LNL (Legnaro, Italy) from 10th to 15th of September. It aims to help any user that will have to handle AGATA data taken during the last Legnaro campaing with the analysis methods and software of the collaboration. The registration is open on the indico web page: https://agenda.infn.it/event/36303/
A. Lopez-Martens (Chair, IJCLab), M. Gorska (co-Chair, GSI), A. Boston (University of Liverpool), E. Clément (GANIL), J. Eberth (University of Köln), A. Gadea (IFIC, University of Valencia), K. Hauschild (IJCLab), S. Lenzi (University of Padova), D. Napoli (LNL-INFN)