Project Results

are additional outputs (e.g. information, special report, a technical diagram brochure, list, a software milestone or other building block of the project) that must be produced at a given moment during the action. Deliverable reports will be written and publicly accessible from this page and the deliverables page.

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. They may correspond to the completion of a key deliverable, allowing the next phase of the work to begin or be needed at intermediary points. Throughout the project, milestones or checkpoints indicate the success of the project’s progress. The full list of milestones is available on this page as well on the milestones page, including reports where relevant.

YEAR 1 (Sept 2022 – Aug 2023)


D# Deliverable Name WP Task Due month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
D1.2 Website ready WP1 1.1 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved D1.2 Report
D5.7 Data Management Plan WP5 5.2 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved

D5.7 Report

D6.1 Ethics – OEI – Requirement No. 1 WP6 6.1 6 08 Mar 2023 Achieved Confidential


MS# Milestone Name WP Task Planned Delivery month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
MS1 Consortium Agreement signed WP1 1.1 1   Achieved Confidential
MS13 Production of a report to define the state of the art in the field (targets for NP) and collect the requests from the community WP2 2.5 3 12 Dec 2022 Achieved MS13 Report
MS2 Preparation of calls for submission of proposals to stable beam access facilities completed WP2 2.1 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved MS2 Report
MS4 Preparation of the call for submission of projects to access each of the RIs providing radioactive-ion beams WP2 2.2 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved MS4 Report
MS6 Preparation of the call for submission of projects to access each of the RIs providing neutron beams WP2 2.3 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved MS6 Report
MS17 RIs ready for TAs WP3 3.2,3.4 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved MS17 Report
MS19 Work on service improvements started WP3 3.2,3.4 6 28 Feb 2023 Achieved MS19 Report
MS38 Selection of the Training Scientific Board WP5 5.4 6 20 Feb 2023 Achieved MS38 Report
MS37 The source code of the ML toolkit prototype is available on a shared platform WP5 5.3 8 19 Apr 2023 Achieved

Link to the Machine Learning Optimizer toolkit
MS37 Report

MS15 Conceptual plan for online monitoring of long-term operation beam stability WP2 2.5 12 01 Aug 2023 Achieved MS15 Report
MS24 Development and test of the first prototype of the system WP4 4.4.1 12 25 Aug 2023 Achieved MS24 Report
MS28 Upgrade BPM DAQ WP4 4.4.6 12 24 Aug 2023 Achieved MS28 Report
MS32 Design and commissioning of the beam line (vacuum and test chamber) WP4 4.4.9 12 30 Aug 2023 Achieved MS32 Report
MS34 One third of the research infrastructures videos ready WP5 5.1 12 30 Aug 2023 Achieved MS34 Report
MS35 Definition of the catalogue perimeter, architecture, and standards. Release of terms of reference WP5 5.2 12 24 Aug 2023 Achieved MS35 Report

YEAR 2 (Sept 2023 – Aug 2024)


D# Deliverable Name WP Task Due month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
D1.1 Periodic Report-1 (Sept 2022-Aug 2023) WP1 1.1 14 6 Nov 2023 Achieved Report
D5.1 All research infrastructures videos completed WP5 5.1 18 29 Feb 2024 Achieved D5.1 Report
D5.4 The new toolkit deployed at least two facilities and been used optimization WP5 5.2 24 01 Aug 2024 Achieved D5.4 Report
D5.5 Report on activities after 2 years, including follow-up from participants WP5 5.4 24 30 Aug 2024 Achieved D5.5 Report


MS# Milestone Name WP Task Planned Delivery month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
MS25 Prototype and software ready for lab tests WP4 4.4.3 14 28 Oct 2023 Achieved MS25 Report
MS30 Design of the shielding system including safety related aspects WP4 4.4.7 14 30 Oct 2023 Achieved MS30 Report
MS26 Electrostatic Microprobe Quadrupole Quadruplet Lens Assembly installed and tested WP4 4.4.4 16 19 Dec 2023 Achieved MS26 Report
MS8 Calls for proposals to be hosted at ECT* WP2 2.4 18 22 Jan 2024 Achieved MS8 Report
MS10 Contracted personnel for Theo4Exp VA in place and first codes available for users in the virtual facility WP2 2.4 18 29 Feb 2024 Achieved MS10 Report
MS12 Completed database containing selected features of remote-access toolkit WP2 2.5 18 29 Feb 2024 Achieved

Survey on Remote Access (WP2.5)
MS12 Report

MS14 Reports on FLASH detectors for different facilities WP2 2.5 18 22 Feb 2024 Achieved MS14 Report
MS31 Design of the XY table and purchase of materials and equipment for the device WP4 4.4.8 18 29 Feb 2024 Achieved MS31 Report
MS27 Cooling system developed WP4 4.4.5 18

27 June 2024

Achieved MS27 Report
MS21 a) More than 30% of AU delivered WP4 4.1 24 31 Aug 2024 Achieved MS21 Report
MS22 b) More than 30% of AU delivered WP4 4.2 24 31 Aug 2024 Achieved MS22 Report
MS23 c) More than 30% of AU delivered WP4 4.3 24 31 Aug 2024 Achieved MS23 Report
MS29 ML-based classification and evaluation of the beam profile patterns WP4 4.4.6 24 30 Aug 2024 Achieved MS29 Report
MS33 Mechanics of the setup adapted to fit into the experimental area WP4 4.4.10 24 30 Aug 2024 Achieved MS33 Report

YEAR 3 (Sept 2024 – Aug 2025)


D# Deliverable Name WP Task Due month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
D1.1 Periodic Report-2 (Sept 2023-Feb 2025) WP1 1.1 32 30 Apr 2025   Report
D2.5 Services improvement Report WP2 2.5 36 31 Aug 2025   Report
D3.5 Report on the service improvement for material testing RIs WP3 3.1 36 31 Aug 2025   Report
D3.6 Report on the service improvements for Technology Infrastructures WP3 3.2 36 31 Aug 2025   Report
D3.7 Report on the service improvement for electron and plasma beams WP3 3.3,3.4 36 31 Aug 2025   Report
D5.2 EURO-LABS users’ diversity final report WP5 5.1 36 31 Aug 2025   Report
D5.3 Release of the first functional version of the Open NP and data access tools WP5 5.2 36 31 Aug 2025   Report


MS# Milestone Name WP Task Planned Delivery month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
MS16 Organisation of hands-on workshops & training schools WP2 2.5 30 28 Feb 2025    
MS18 Majority of TAs attributed WP3 3.2,3.4 36 31 Aug 2025    
MS20 Service improvements to RIs implemented WP3 3.2,3.4 36 31 Aug 2025    
MS36 Identification of existing solutions in the EOSC ecosystem and integration of the Nuclear Physics Ecosystem WP5 5.2 36 31 Aug 2025    

YEAR 4 (Sept 2025 – Aug 2026)


D# Deliverable Name WP Task Due month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
D3.1 Report on the progress of TA for Material Testing RIs WP3 3.1 42 28 Feb 2026   Report
D3.2 Report on the progress of TA for Technology Infrastructure RIs WP3 3.2 42 28 Feb 2026   Report
D3.3 Report on the progress of TA for Electron and Plasma Beam RIs WP3 3.3 42 28 Feb 2026   Report
D3.4 Report on the progress of TA for Application oriented RIs WP3 3.4 42 28 Feb 2026   Report
D2.1 Report on Access to Stable Beam Facilities WP2 2.1 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D2.2 Report on Access to Radioactive-ion Beam Facilities WP2 2.2 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D2.3 Report on the research activities and the main results obtained in each of the RI providing neutron beams WP2 2.3 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D2.4 Report on access to the Theory for Experiments facilities WP2 2.4 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D4.1 Report on the usage of Access Units for HEP detector R&D WP4 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D4.2 Report on the service improvements in WP4.4 WP4 4.4 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D4.3 Report on the usage of Access Units for Irradiations WP4 4.3 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D4.4 Report on the service improvements in RI’s for Detectors WP4 4.4 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D5.6 Final report on Open Science WP5 5.2 46 30 Jun 2026   Report
D1.1 Final Report WP1 1.1 48 30 Oct 2026   Report


MS# Milestone Name WP Task Planned Delivery month Delivery date (expected/actual) Status Comments
MS9 EURO-LABS-related workshops carried out at ECT* WP2 2.4 42 28 Feb 2026    
MS11 All codes installed at Theo4Exp VA and interoperability among different nodes established WP2 2.4 42 28 Feb 2026    
MS3 All provision of access offered completed WP2 2.1 46 30 Jun 2026    
MS5 a) Completion of all the experiments proposed WP2 2.2 46 30 Jun 2026    
MS7 b) Completion of all the experiments proposed WP2 2.3 46 30 Jun 2026