GINGER is an experiment under construction to built an array of three Ring Laser Gyroscopes (RLG).

GINGER leverages the long experience gained on several large-area RLG prototypes, including GINGERINO (9 m2 area) that is currently operational at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS-INFN).

As demonstrated by GINGERINO, RLGs allow to measure angular velocities with extremely high sensitivities, potentially up to prad/s in a measurement time of the order of 1 s (1 Hz bandwidth). Since RLGs are rigidly anchored to the Earth's crust, the quantity measured is the Earth's rotation speed: knowledge of its value and its small variations over time opens the way to numerous geophysical and geodetic observations, which include, for example, the study of rotational vibrations induced by earthquakes, a new branch of seismology, the measurement of the length of the day, the study of polar motion, solid and liquid tides that affect the Earth's crust.



Available Thesis in Geophysics


  • Highlight seismic signals of local origin from the analysis of the ring laser gyroscope GINGERINO data.
  • AI and advanced analysis schemes for applications to geodesy, seismology, etc. of the GINGER experiment.
  • Comparison between ring laser gyroscopes, fiber optic gyroscopes, gravimeters and GNSS antennas, for geophysical studies.
  • Development of numerical tools to simulate known geodetic signals of global origin (polar motion, tides, etc.) as measured at the GINGER installation site.


Available Thesis in Physics


  • Analysis of the optical components role in defining the ring laser gyroscope noise limit
  • Development of optical read-out stages  inside the ring laser gyroscope vacuum chamber


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