WP3 – Transnational access to Research Infrastructures for Accelerators

EURO-LABS Supports Transnational Access (TA) to a broad spectrum of installations, to test concepts for future accelerators, based on improving the present facilities, and for R&D studies for future colliders like CERN/FCC or the Muon Collider. These facilities will provide beam lines for testing advanced accelerator materials, superconducting or normal Radio-Frequency cavities, magnets and acceleration schemes.

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Type of access Type of beams /
Theory support
Access provider Infrastructure Country Video link Facility Coordinator Contact
TA Pulsed Beam Material Irradiation CERN HiRadMat@CERN International Organization HiRadMat Nikolaos Charitonidis
TA Magnet & RF Cavity testing FREIA GERSEMIHNOSS Sweden GERSEMI-HNOSS-CoW Rocio Santiago
TA Magnet & RF Cavity testing INFN-Milano LASA Italy LASA Dario Giove
TA Magnet Testing INFN-Salerno THOR Italy THOR Antonella Chiuchiolo
TA RF technology IJCLab SUPRATECH France SUPRATECH David Longuevergne
TA RF technology & Material testing IRFU-Synergium MACHAFILM




MACHAFILM: Thomas Proslier
CRYOMECH: Roser Vallcorba-Carbonell

TA RF cavity – X-band test CERN XBOX International Organization XBOX Roberto Corsini
TA Electron beams KIT KARA
Germany KARA
Robert Ruprecht
TA Electron beams VELA CLARA United Kingdom ———– Anthony Gleeson
TA Electron beams INFN-LNF BTF (BTF1, BTF2) Italy BTF (BTF1, BTF2) Alessandro Gallo
TA Electron and Laser beams INFN-LNF SPARC_LAB Italy SPARC_LAB Alessandro Gallo
TA Electron beams, material testing LIDYL LPA-UHI100 France LPA-UHI100 Sandrine Dobosz
TA Electron beam Irradiation INCT RAPID Poland RAPID Urszula Gryczka
TA Electron beams CERN CLEAR International Organization CERN/CLEAR Roberto Corsini