On April 9 we will have a seminar by
Luigi Tizzano (SCGP Stony Brook)
Title: Extremal Correlators and Random Matrix Theory
I will describe how the large charge limit of extremal correlators in N=2 superconformal field theories is captured by a dual description which is a random matrix model of the Wishart-Laguerre type. This gives a new analytic handle on the physics in some particular excited states. The random matrix model also admits a ‘t Hooft expansion in which the matrix is taken to be large and simultaneously the coupling is taken to zero. This explains why the extremal correlators of SU(2) gauge theory obey a nontrivial double scaling limit in states of large charge.
Meeting information:
9th of April at 14:30 Italian Time
Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/198435430
Slides are available at
You can watch the recording at