Seminar April 2: N. Mekareeya

On April 2 we will have a seminar by

Noppadol Mekareeya (INFN Milano Bicocca & Chulangokorn U. Bangkok)

Title: 3d S-fold SCFTs

A local SL(2,Z) transformation on the Type IIB brane configuration gives rise to an interesting class of 3d superconformal field theories, known as the S-fold SCFTs. One of the interesting features of such a theory is that, in general, it does not admit a conventional Lagrangian description. Nevertheless, it can be described by a quiver diagram with a link being a superconformal field theory, known as the T(U(N)) theory. In this talk, we discuss various interesting properties of the S-fold theories, including supersymmetry enhancement in the infrared as well as several interesting dualities.

Meeting information:
2nd of April at 14:30
Zoom Meeting

Slides are available at

You can watch the recording at