GSI FAIR school poster

EURO-LABS Advanced School – November 24th – 29th, 2024, GSI FAIR, Ebernburg (Germany)

Advanced training school of 2024 dedicated to Open Science and Data Management

November 24th – 29th, 2024, GSI FAIR, Ebernburg (Germany)

Dear All,
It is a pleasure to announce the upcoming Advanced School in the framework of the EU project EURO-LABS (Grant Agreement No: 101057511)

EURO-LABS is committed to improve the efficiency of use of RIs and to increase its human and institutional basis. To this aim, EURO-LABS organizes a system of training activities, at various levels, starting with annual Basic Training schools and Advanced Training schools.

Here we announce the Advanced training school of 2024 dedicated to Open Science and Data Management, November 24th – 29th, 2024. Open Science is the practice of making scientific research output openly available in the form of data, software, publications, hardware and infrastructure. This promotes transparency, collaboration, and reproducibility in research, as well as wider access to knowledge for the public and to researchers. The goal of the Advanced Training course is to convey basic principles and to demonstrate commonly used tools to achieve this goal successfully. The Advanced Training will take place at castle Ebernburg (Germany).

The school is open to PhD students, final year master degree students, and early career Postdocs. 25-30 participants will be selected from the applications.

A poster of the advanced school can be download here: Link
Link to the event:

Local organizers:

Andrew Mistry (GSI/FAIR), Christine Hornung (GSI), Gerhard Burau (HGS-HIRe)

Information and registration:

Deadline:  September 29th, 2024



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