How to apply

Virtual Access

Virtual Access is offered in the Work Package 2.
Virtual access to the resources of Theo4Exp facilities will be offered as free and open access through communication networks and will not involve any prior selection of users. On their first access to the facility, users will be asked to fill in a registration form and will get credentials to use the service. VA users are not required to complete the TA Confirmation Form.
Publications are required to acknowledge the EURO-LABS project: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101057511 (EURO-LABS).

Transnational Access

Step 1 – Initial contact

Contact the facility coordinator for the facility you are interested in with brief details of your proposal. This step will ensure that your experiment is doable and that you are eligible for TA support before you go through the formal application procedure.

Facility Coordinators contacts:
Research Infrastructures for Nuclear Physics (WP2)
Research Infrastructures for High Energy Accelerators (WP3)
Research Infrastructures for HEP Detectors (WP4)

Step 2 – Experiment proposal Submission (if applicable)

Please follow the instruction in the Call of Proposals for given facility

Step 3 – Proposal evaluation and beam time allocation (if applicable)

The experiment proposal will be evaluated by the facility advisory/supervisory committee. You will be informed about the recommendations and about the beam time scheduling of your experiment, if accepted

Step 4 – Application for the TA support

The User group leader (spokesperson of the experiment) should fill:

  • the application form (Word, PDF) for transnational access;

Please contact the facility coordinator with any questions you have about this step. Once completed send your application form and the file with information about the research group to the given facility coordinator.
In case of troubles to access the forms, please send an email to

Step 5 – Selection Procedure

The selection of user groups and experiments is primarily the responsibility of the facility coordinator, acting with approval of the User Selection Panel. Selection criteria are specified here. You will be informed whether and to which extent your request was approved.

Step 6 – Access and reimbursement

Reimbursement is handled by each facility, in line with facility rules. The User group leader should complete the EURO-LABS Transnational Access Confirmation Form and return them to the Facility Coordinator (both xls and signed pdf files), as well as a facility-specific reimbursement form. Details of reimbursement can be found on the information page for each facility. For more information on reimbursements, please contact the Facility Coordinator.

Step 7 – After completing the experiment

After completing the experiment please provide to the Facility Coordinator an Experiment Report.

Step 9 – Publications

Publications are required to acknowledge the EURO-LABS project: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101057511 (EURO-LABS).