
2020 Events

- Pint of Science

- PID - INFN program for teachers

- INSPYRE 2020: INternational School on modern PhYsics and Research, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the…Universe’”, is dedicated to the hottest topics and challenges in Modern Physics, from particles to cosmology. Participants will be involved in a serier of hands-on experiments of modern physics realized for and with you by the researchers. More details at this link

 - Measurement of cosmic muon flow in the bunker of Mount Soratte: As part of a measurement of the differential flux of cosmic muons in the bunker of Mount Soratte, the tracer detector for cosmic rays CRC (Cosmic Ray Cube) is currently in operation. The detector is included in the guided tour of the museum, and accompanied by an explanatory poster. All visits are guided and museum staff have been trained to explain to the public what cosmic rays are, how the detector works and the purpose of the measurement. The detector events are also available in real time in a free app for the Apple and Android system (Cosmic Ray Live).The lecture is available at this link.


2019 Events


- ScienzEstate


- Corsi di alta formazione per l'orientamento agli studi post-diploma - LNL

- Aggiornamento per docenti di scuola secondaria di II grado - LNL

- Seminari per studenti di scuola secondaria di II grado - LNL

- Inaugurazione Visitor Centre - LNS

- International masterclasses

- Salone del Libro di Torino

- Stage "Studiare Fisica a Trieste" per studenti delle superiori

- TriesteNEXT

- Nuclear for climates: opportunities and challenges



Altre iniziative

- Newletter GIANTS (Gruppi Italiani di Astrofisica Nucleare Teorica e Sperimentale)

- Premio Asimov

- Gran Sasso videogame

- Visitor Center dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 

- Iniziative di terza missione della dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

- Public Awareness of Nuclear Science (PANS)




- Momex - Vita da ricercatore

CSN3 Grants and job openings

The position of head of the nuclear science and instrumentation laboratory of the IAEA Laboratories in Seibersdorf (Austria) is open. More details at this link



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